We’re writing this as the Admiral Neighborhood Association Crime Prevention Summit wraps up – no big headlines but more than 50 people are here, connecting with each other to talk about Block Watches, and hearing police share lots of good prevention info you can’t hear often enough. There’s also a plan for quarterly meetings to keep the focus on crimefighting (separate from the regular monthly ANA meetings). More details later. First, we have several Crime Watch reports to share from around the area – starting with a vehicle break-in at a popular park – read on:
From Joe:
Just had our truck broken into today at Lincoln Park south parking lot. This occurred between 1:05p – 1:25p. Broke out the back window of the truck and stole a purse that was hidden under the seat.
We immediately searched area since it was such a short time window and saw toothless (apparent druggie) person carrying milk carton with plastic bag and black strap hanging out. Most likely the purse. He walked up a driveway of a well known trouble house (according to officers) across from the middle of the north parking lot. I said “excuse me” to the man and he looked at me and walked quickly around the side of the house. This person is apparently a known thief according to officer. That’s all the info I have at this point.
Heidi reported another car break-in, which happened last week:
We should have reported this to you sooner, but I have been notifying my neighbors in the Sunrise Heights neighborhood near where we live. On Wednesday our car (parked in our short driveway) was entered sometime during the night. There is a good chance that the door was left unlocked, because we didn’t have any sign of a forced entry. They stole our GPS that was being stored in the arm rest and a car charger for an IPhone. All toys, kids books and paperwork were left behind. They left the passenger side door open and so the car was soaked from the overnight rain. Just wanted others to be aware that some thieves are in the area.
Susie reported another egging, early Sunday morning:
(38th. Ave. SW & SW Dawson [map]) It is 12:11 am. At midnight, someone threw an egg at my front door HARD. If it had been a window, it would have broken.
And since we’ve got some readers in and near South Park, we’re sharing this report sent by Anne:
3/28/2010, at around 10 p.m., a neighbor’s house was broken into and his possessions and his puppy were stolen.
The house is on South Donovan Street between 7th South and 5th South in South Park.
He arrived home about 11 p.m. His window was broken into, his electronics were stolen as well as his guns which are registered and his ammo, and his chocolate and white male pit bull puppy.
The puppy is small enough to pick up in your arms. The owner called the police and he is offering a reward.
If you think you may have seen the puppy, please contact the police.