(Photo courtesy Dale Brayden, from the “Captain Dave river tour” last weekend)
Wednesday night of last week, City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw was at the second of two consecutive-night meetings in South Park (WSB coverage here), talking with – and listening to – community members regarding the county’s scheduled shutdown of the deteriorating South Park Bridge. She promised them, “I’ll be here with you.” One week later, after she wrapped up an appearance last night at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, we caught up with her to ask what’s happened since then. She mentioned meetings with other key elected officials – but most notably, a new idea she’s exploring: Since the bridge’s biggest safety issues come from the wear and tear of repeated openings and closures for marine traffic, she’s trying to find out if there are vessels based south of the SP Bridge that could be moved upstream (north) for a year or so – till a new bridge could be built. If the bridge didn’t have to open for marine traffic, Bagshaw says, it could have an extended life of availability for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. She emphasizes that a lot of research has to be done to see if this would be feasible, including conversations with the Port of Seattle and the Coast Guard.
West Seattle, Washington
14 Tuesday