West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
Today, Fauntleroy Way got some TLC in the form of dozens of new trees – tomorrow, 35th SW through Westwood, Gatewood and Sunrise Heights needs as many volunteers as can be mustered for a 10 am-1 pm cleanup of sidewalks and planting strips. Westwood Neighborhood Council and Friends of the Southwest Library are co-sponsors (as first reported here); check in at the library (35th/Henderson) at 10 am.
We’ve been watching this take shape on the South Park Yahoo! group, and now that we’ve received a phone call as an official advisory, it looks like this is definitely happening: Tomorrow afternoon, U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are due at the International Association of Machinists Hall in South Park to talk about the health-care-reform legislation. South Park residents and business owners plan a peaceful, non-obstructive rally ahead of time to show their concern about the fact the South Park Bridge is scheduled to be shut down June 30th with no plan yet for funding to build a new one, and if you are interested in joining them to show concern, you are invited to be part of it. ADDED 4 PM: This update on the SP mail group explains where rally participants are gathering at 2 tomorrow. Also, according to an announcement in a separate post there, the senators will be joined at the event by U.S. Reps. Jay Inslee and Brian Baird, as well as Gov. Gregoire.
(Our coverage of the South Park Bridge situation is archived here.)
After the 9 am kickoff ceremonies, those volunteers are now at work along Fauntleroy Way planting trees. City Council President Richard Conlin joined the opening celebration at Fairmount Playfield too; at the center of the photo is a new Tree City USA flag. Major participants include the Rotary Club of West Seattle, Boy Scouts from Troop 284, Cub Scouts from Pack 793 and Keller Williams Realty.
We’ll be back out soon to check on the actual tree-planting!
12:21 PM UPDATE: If you drive along Fauntleroy Way, you’ll notice the tree-planting stretches almost all the way to the business district’s heart at California SW. Here’s a photo shared by Anne from Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), showing three volunteers with one of the dozens of new trees that will change the face of Fauntleroy Way for decades to come:
ADDED EARLY SUNDAY: Another photo from Anne. That’s little Trevor helping with the tree:
From our photos – that’s Council President Conlin with organizers just before the event started; note he rolled up on two wheels (see helmet and bike):
This is more progress toward the city’s goal of having a 30 percent tree canopy within 30 years. Read more about that goal – and see how to check your own neighborhood’s canopy – by going here.
(Scroll down for added photos, video)
ORIGINAL 9:58 AM REPORT: Getting multiple reports of a gray whale off south West Seattle shores, Brace Point earlier, Lincoln Park near Williams Point (Colman Pool area) within the past half-hour. The photo above is from Rick Rasmussen, who glimpsed it south of Brace Point earlier this morning:
At 730 this morning, I saw what looked like an unusual disturbance in the water, just south of Brace Point, very close to shore. It was in about 15-20 feet of water, but close to the drop off to much deeper water.
It appeared to be a large whale, black or dark gray, with no dorsal fin. It looked larger and also longer than the Orcas we’ve seen around here.
At first, it was moving quickly and sporadically, just breaking the surface of the water and not showing much of itself. Then it started moving slowly in a circle for a few minutes, disturbing the water, mostly submerged. It then partially surfaced and spouted twice, a few minutes apart, then swam off toward the deeper water, showing a lot of it body before disappearing.
12:18 PM UPDATE: While out for the past couple hours, we saw the whale multiple times from Lincoln Park’s north beach and then from Lowman. It’s apparently off Emma Schmitz now – we went there too soon – according to a tweet we received. Lots of whale-watchers out; we’re checking video we shot, and also starting to receive some photos. Here are two from Trileigh – the first is the whale’s backbone, she says:
ADDED 12:46 PM: And this is our short video clip. Not close-enough in to see much, maybe most worthwhile for the oohs and aahs in the background audio!
More photos later as we get them. Gray sightings are not as common as orca sightings in Puget Sound – but they aren’t uncommon either – the whales do detour here sometimes while heading up from breeding grounds in Mexico to summer feeding grounds in Alaska, and there are apparently some that just never bother finishing the trip!
2:37 PM UPDATE: Via Twitter and comments, we’re hearing the whale is still in West Seattle waters – off central Beach Drive (Weather Watch Park) per “dq,” still moving northbound since @kerrywa on Twitter said it was off Me-Kwa-Mooks just before 2. Thanks for the reports!
(Remember the Alaskan Way Viaduct is closed for its checkup, 6 am-6 pm today/tomorrow)
FAUNTLEROY WAY NEEDS YOU! While the Fauntleroy Way frontage of Fairmount Playfield has some greenery, much of the rest of the street needs help. And this morning, you’re just the help it needs. Join Rotarians, Scouts, city reps and more for the Clean-and-Green tree-planting event starting at 9 am – gather at the playfield (map). More details here. Even if you’re not already signed up, just show up! And that’s not the only good deed you can do today:
HELP WEST SEATTLE YOUTH FIGHT HUNGER: Two ways to do that – first, the West Seattle Camp Fire Girls you see above will be outside CAPERS in The Junction 10 am-2 pm today with a bake sale to raise money to fight hunger, 10 am-2 pm. And 8 am-12:30 pm, you can drop off food donations at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood for the food drive we told you about on Thursday (here’s the story). Next – the reason for the latest outfits adorning Walking on Logs:
LAUNCH THE WEST SEATTLE SNOWSPORTS COUNCIL – AND GET DEALS! Kara Whittaker shared the photo from West Seattle’s iconic sculptures, who are celebrating the West Seattle Snowsports Council, brainchild of Kara’s husband Greg Whittaker, during this weekend’s big sidewalk sale at their newest shop Mountain to Sound Outfitters (WSB sponsor), 3602 SW Alaska (map). In addition to big deals, there are raffles benefiting the new Snowsports Council – big prizes; lots of details on the Mountain to Sound Outfitters website – also see the WSB Coupons page for a M2S coupon.
(March 6 photo courtesy of Emory E)
FIREWORKS ON ELLIOTT BAY: And one more reminder so nobody’s startled THIS time – General Construction is scheduled to celebrate its centennial with a fireworks show off Pier 66 on Elliott Bay tonight. Crystal at GC sent word it’s supposed to happen around 8:30 pm, but since it’s a private event, we won’t necessarily get word if anything happens to change the schedule. (8:30, by the way, is also the start of Earth Hour.)
As usual, LOTS more going on – more than 70 events/activities on our West Seattle Weekend Lineup, which you can browse here.
Lots of talented athletes playing for West Seattle’s high schools, and while we can’t promise you every-game-all-the-time coverage just yet, we’re working on spring-sports coverage, with some help. Two games to report from Friday – Chief Sealth beat Nathan Hale 6-5 (our partners at the Seattle Times have stats here) at SW Athletic Complex in Westwood, and West Seattle High School beat Ingraham at home. WSHS assistant baseball coach Scott Meaker has again written up the Westside highlights for us to share with you – those are ahead, along with a reminder about tonight’s WSHS baseball/fastpitch fundraising dinner, and today’s WSHS-Seattle Lutheran JV game – read on!Read More
(WSB photo from inaugural West Seattle 5K in May 2009)
Less than two months now till the 2nd annual West Seattle 5K Run/Walk (co-sponsored again this year by WSB) – which (as reported here a week and a half ago) will again kick off a “car-free” Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets day on Alki, May 23rd. Registration is open now (with a discount rate till May 6), and we’ve just gotten word from Mary Pat at Alki Community Center that they’re offering a course to get you ready to run:
Register Now!
6 Weeks to Running a 5K!
This class is designed for beginning runners. Participants will train to run the West Seattle 5k along Alki Beach scheduled for May 23, 2010. Classes will be conducted by a Certified Running Coach and will include weekly runs along with workshop time on goal setting, stretching, developing core strength, running gear, training and race day nutrition. Participants will receive a weekly training schedule. Race day fee is not included in price of class.Course Dates: 4/15 – 5/20
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 -8 p.m.
Cost: $90
Place: Alki Community Center, 5817 SW Stevens
Register: Call Alki Community Center at 206 – 684 – 7430 or online at www.seattle.gov/parks
And of course, don’t forget to sign up for the West Seattle 5K!
Thanks to those who took the time to alert us to several incidents Friday afternoon/evening – no major injuries in any of them that we know of, thankfully. Above, the “heavy rescue” call late last night in the 2600 block of Sylvan Heights (map) opened and closed so quickly that we didn’t go out on it, but David Rosen sent that photo. He says the driver got out OK and no serious injuries were reported. That was also the case at 38th/Hanford (map), which saw this scene at midafternoon, with a car pinned between a pickup and a pole:
Thanks to Fulay for that photo, and also to Lee for e-mail on that one. Finally, a two-car crash caused trouble late Friday night at the Harbor exit from The Bridge (thanks to Sean for the note on that), but again, no serious injuries reported. Be careful out there.
Even if this is potentially relevant to your family, you won’t be able to use this for a while, since there’s no class next week for Spring Break, but after that – Seattle Public Schools just launched a webpage that they promise will carry updated info about school-bus delays. See it here.
Three break-in reports to share tonight – one at a home, two involving cars – read on:Read More
(Scroll down for Saturday update – the seal pup didn’t survive)
Alki’s David Hutchinson shares that photo, along with this report:
A Harbor Seal pup “hauled out” before noon today at Alki Beach just east of the Bathhouse. Seal Sitters were on site along with Dan Campau of Seattle Parks & Recreation and set up a safety perimeter. Quite a number of people stopped by to observe and take photos. Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters said she thought it probably was a late season pup from last September judging by its size. The pup is still on the beach as of 2:55 PM.
4:53 PM: Added a video clip courtesy of Eilene Hutchinson:
Thanks to the Hutchinsons for sharing that sweet sight; you can find out all about seal pups on West Seattle beaches (and what to do if you happen onto one) at sealsitters.org.
2:56 PM: Sad news in comments – David Hutchinson reports the seal pup died early this afternoon. He says more details will be forthcoming on the Seal Sitters’ site at blubberblog.org.
The Alaskan Way Viaduct is scheduled to be closed 6 am-6 pm both days this weekend. No problem – no need to leave West Seattle! Plant trees with the Rotary Club of West Seattle, local Scouts, the city and others tomorrow … then, even though it’s a private event, you should be able to enjoy fireworks on Elliott Bay tomorrow night – right about the same time Earth Hour begins … help clean up Westwood on Sunday … join in efforts to fight hunger and raise $ for other causes … From tonight through Sunday, more than SEVENTY! events/activities on our list, sponsored by Skylark Cafe and Club, where you’ll find FREE live music and rockin’ food:Read More
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Seattle Parks Finance Director Carol Everson would have rather been almost anywhere else than in front of the Parks Board last night downtown, presenting a grim look ahead.
“I wish I weren’t here talking about this,” she grimaced from the podium at one point.
But talking is essential – not just to plan ahead for possible midyear cuts this year and all-but-certain cuts for the next two years, but to make sure you understand what Parks is facing, and what might eventually be requested to minimize the misery – maybe even the formation of a Metropolitan Park District (explained here) taxing authority.
Before the board meeting, we met briefly with the West Seattleites who are chair and vice chair of the board, Jackie Ramels and Neal Adams, and Superintendent Tim Gallagher.
Their message: If you care about city park services, please listen up and pay attention, because whatever is done to bridge the budget gap, it will affect the services delivered to you. And that was hammered home again during Everson’s briefing.
Part of the problem is good news with an underside of bad news.
As it looks two decades into the future regarding how to keep customers supplied with power, Seattle City Light has just announced a series of public meetings. One’s in West Seattle, 7 pm April 15th at Southwest Community Center. (Free compact-fluorescent bulb and low-flow showerhead for the first 100 to show up!) The full list, and details on the related process/topic, can be found here.
Today we welcome Tibbetts United Methodist Church as our newest WSB sponsor, and here’s what they’d like you to know: Tibbetts United Methodist Church – so well known for its twice-yearly rummage sales, known to others for the Preschool Co-op and other neighborhood services provided in the building. The Celtic Christmas Eve service entices new visitors each year, and the congregation’s environmental stewardship at Lincoln Park makes it stand out. Tibbetts is a small, but strong, congregation that is eager to get to know you by name. Pastor Joanne Brown, who has been leading the congregation since 2007, says, “We all need a place to be along our spiritual journey where we can sense the presence of God, know and be known by others, and to worship with and belong to a caring community. At Tibbetts we are a blend of doubters, seekers, and believers.” The Tibbetts community deeply values the diversity of folks involved in the congregation. The worship and community life is faithful and vital. No one is told what to believe here, but encouraged to grow in their individual faith. There is something for everyone at Tibbetts: Movie nights with dinner themes every month; a vibrant music program that includes vocals, music ensembles, and hand bells; a Hispanic Ministry program; and ongoing support for homeless families through Family Promise. Also included in the offerings are Men’s and Women’s Groups, plus a variety of other Fellowship activities each month. Tibbetts is a Reconciling Congregation living the way of Jesus in West Seattle and welcomes you to worship as a visitor with the hope you will become a friend. Visit the Facebook fan page for some fun: facebook.com/TibbettsUMChurch and the church website for more information: www.TibbettsUMChurch.org
COMING UP: The musical “Godspell” comes to church. This is your invitation to experience this 1970s musical classic as interpreted by the Tibbetts congregation – on March 28th at 10 am (Palm Sunday). Other upcoming events you won’t want to miss are the Maundy Thursday service on April 1st at 7:30 pm, and the annual Youth Pancake Breakfast on April 4th, Easter Sunday, from 8 am-9:45 am, with an invitation to stay for celebration of Resurrection at 10 am.
We thank Tibbetts United Methodist Church for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.
Just in from the Port of Seattle – it’s offering a tour of two of its West Seattle parks, two facilities that some don’t realize are port-owned/managed. Read on for the announcement and how to sign up:Read More
22 ROUTE CHANGE?: Brian Zenk‘s music/video/collage is meant as a reminder that today’s the last day to weigh in on proposed changes to Metro Route 22 through Gatewood (online survey and info here)
OPENING DAY AT WESTWOOD VILLAGE LIQUOR STORE: The new store in what was part of the former Famous Footwear space opens to the public today, 11 am.
WEST SEATTLE STUDENTS AT ROBOTICS COMPETITION: The FIRST Robotics competition at KeyArena includes a team from Seattle Lutheran High School, among other West Seattle student participants. Admission’s free if you drop by – they’re competing till 5:30 today, then again tomorrow. (Streaming webcam promised here!)
SPEAKING OF SCHOOL: Today’s the last day of classes before a week of spring break for Seattle Public Schools (among others).
TAKE A HIKE: Nature Consortium‘s free monthly guided hike (not difficult) in the West Duwamish Greenbelt is today. Meet at 14th and Holly, 1 pm, RSVP to lisa@naturec.org
FREE CONCERT: It’s West Seattle Jazz Night, 7 pm at Madison Middle School, with performances by the jazz bands from Denny, Madison, Chief Sealth and special guests, the Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra.
WSB SPONSORS’ EVENTS: Three in the spotlight –
WESTSIDE YOGA AND DOGA: Westside Yoga and Doga (WSB sponsor) invites you to its social benefit tonight for Dog of the Week, benefiting Dogs Deserve Better, 6-9 pm, full details on this flyer
MOUNTAIN TO SOUND OUTFITTERS: Today kicks off a three-day sidewalk sale at Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska), including barbecues, late-night shopping tonight (business open till 9:30), raffles, and more – details online here
PHARMACA INTEGRATIVE PHARMACY: Dr. Catherine Orsi, ND, LMP, discusses Spring Immune Support at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy in The Junction, 5-6 pm tonight.
Even more events/activities to be found on the WSB Events calendar page!
HIgh-school baseball season is starting to intensify. This morning we have a West Seattle High School report courtesy of assistant baseball coach Scott Meaker – looking ahead to games today and tomorrow, recapping wins on Wednesday, and also noting the big fundraising dinner/auction Saturday to raise money for fastpitch softball as well as baseball – read on:Read More
Lists courtesy of Square One Books
Once again this week, courtesy of Gretchen Montgomery @ Square One Books (WSB sponsor), we bring you her store’s five best-sellers in each of four key categories:
1. Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson
2. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rececca Skloot
3. Angelology: A Novel by Danielle Trussoni
4. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
5. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-SmithPaperback:
1. The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
2. Little Bee by Chris Cleave
3. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
4. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
5. Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCannChildren/Young Adult:
1. Warriors: The Omen #2 by Erin Hunter
2. The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary by Jeff Kinney
3. The Lightning Thief Series by Rick Riordan
4. The Easter Egg by Jan Brett
5. Bone Handbook by Jeff SmithTeen:
1. The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti
2. The Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson
3. Graceling by Kristen Cashore
4. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
5. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Square One is in Jefferson Square.
Just got this announcement for another big event Saturday to raise money for student sports at West Seattle High School:
Community event!!
Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction to support West Seattle High School Baseball and Fastpitch (Sponsored by the WSHS Booster Club)
Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Festivities begin with a Social/No Host Bar 5:00pm-6:30pm (at the church next to the high school parking lot)
Auction Doors Open at the High School Commons (3000 California Avenue SW) at 5:30 pm.
Dinner served from 6:00 pm-7:30 pmEnd of silent auction/Dessert Dash/Live Auction and raffle will follow dinner
Tickets, which include a delicious spaghetti dinner and an auction bid number will be available at the door and are only $12 per person (children under 5 are welcome and are free)
Plenty of great items will be raffled and auctioned
* Vintage WSHS Indian softball/baseball wear
* Seahawks Jerseys
* New Letterman’s Jacket (donated by National Achiever)
* Embassy Suites Hotel Package
* Sports Memorabilia
* Photography Packages
* Bathtub remodel/refinishing
* Sounders Tickets
* Mariner’s Tickets (including Box seats)
* Restaurant gift certificates (Salty’s, Cactus, etc)
* Dinner for 10 w/ Coach Burr (WSHS Fastpitch Coach)
* Menashe and Son Jewelry Gift CertificatesAnd much MORE MORE MORE!!!!
WSHS Baseball and Fastpitch welcomes community members, our neighbors, fans, friends and families.
This is always a fun community event! Hope to see you all there!
Just out of the inbox, a report from “Concerned Neighbors” – read on:Read More
Less than three months left in the school year – and that means West Seattle High School‘s Grad Night is getting closer! This Saturday night, a chance to help raise money to make the safe celebration happen – here’s the announcement:
West Seattle HS 2010 Grad Night is hosting a Ladies Night Out – Cookie Lee Jewelry Show AND manicures/pedicures !!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 27th, from 7 pm – 10 pm at Seattle Style Salon, 7350 35th Avenue SW, West Seattle.
Grad Night 2010 in conjunction with Mary Toal is hosting a Cookie Lee jewelry show. WSHS parent and Cookie Lee Consultant, Mary Toal, will donate all proceeds to our Grad Night fund. PLUS her employer, BECU, will match whatever she donates! Seattle Style natural nail specialist will be available for mani/pedi services donating 1/3 of her sales!
Cookie Lee Jewelry is known for offering the latest in affordable, high-quality fashion accessories for women of all ages.
Manicures/pedicures bookings can be made through April 17th. Ask to speak to Denise or Lian (206) 938-2578 to schedule your time and confirm details.
Not able to attend on March 27th? Mary Toal is offering catalog sales, too! The Cookie Lee website (cookielee.com) is a small representation of the catalog. There’s so much more in the catalog!!! Please feel free to email Mary if you would like a catalog. Mary is generously donating all proceeds from catalog sales, too.
Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP to Carol Viger (West Seattle HS Grad Night Chair), cviger@comcast.net, 938-4204 or Mary Toal, mary.toal@becu.org, 938-2276.
What is Grad Night at West Seattle High School?
Grad Night is an all night, alcohol and drug free celebration on graduation night that is fun & safe for seniors. The locations, entertainment and activities are mysteries until the seniors arrive at their destinations. The celebration continues until early the next morning.Why support Grad Night?
Because everyone makes mistakes – even the smartest, most athletic kids. Accidents happen. West Seattle HS has the largest Alumni Association in the United States at 17,000 members. Grad Night is a good segue to that end. We want to keep our kids connected to our community and coming back to give back and keep West Side the Best Side.As a community member, maybe even one without kids, know that you may have saved a life, or at least given memories to last a lifetime in the community called “home” to these kids.
How much support is needed?
As a public high school, our goal is to raise $50 for every student who attends in order to keep the cost as low as possible. Last year’s Grad Night had approximately 125 attendees. Your donation will help offset the cost of transportation, activities, entertainment, security personnel, food, beverages, prizes and scholarships.How can I support Grad Night?
Cash, of course is our greatest need. Donations can be sent to: WSHS PTSA – Grad Night, ATTN: David Broadstone, 3000 California Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98116We are a 501(3)c. For more information, please contact Carol Viger, cviger@comcast.net, 938-4204
We promised a followup when we published a short item yesterday about the sign John S spotted at one of the former Huling/Gee lots on Fauntleroy Way. Tonight – the details!
Story and photo by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Now we know what’s going on behind that banner, and Pike Place Produce co-owner Bruce McPherson laughingly offers an apologetic confirmation: “Sorry, West Seattle, it’s not a Trader Joe’s.”
Pike Place Produce Company — co-owned by West Seattle residents Mike Cairns and Bruce McPherson along with Bob Klein, owner of Corner Produce by Pike Place Market — has leased the former auto-sales lot (4755 Fauntleroy Way) to open a year-round farmers-market-type business – not just fruit and vegetables.