Catherine e-mailed that photo, saying:
I don’t know if you ever publish simple photos of the good life on Alki – but I took this on Saturday and thought you might have a chance to share it.
How could we resist?
Catherine e-mailed that photo, saying:
I don’t know if you ever publish simple photos of the good life on Alki – but I took this on Saturday and thought you might have a chance to share it.
How could we resist?
that is the perfect picture of relaxation and contentment – made my day to see it and remember the warm days of winter 2010!
More photos like that please! Nice break from the crime reports.
PS:LOVED the whale and seal coverage last week!
Wonderful photo! Reminds me of my favorite quote by Groucho Marx – “Outside of a dog – a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog – it’s too dark to read!” Thanks for publishing this great photo! I agree with kate – a nice break from crime reports!
… If you lead a good life, are honest and kind to others… you will come back as a dog living on Alki…. ‘nuf said.
Nothing makes my day like a severed dogs head with my morning coffee.
This photo and all of the comments (except for the one from Leroniusmonkfish) made the start of my day. Love that quote from Sandi – too funny! :)
Sorry Sun*E…my sense of humor at that time of the morning can be a bit dark.
I love this. It makes me want to get a good book and read until it is done!
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