Birth announcement: The Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council

At the front of the room, that’s Chas Redmond, co-chair of the Southwest District Council, with more than two dozen people who answered the council’s call to organize. They came to PCC West Seattle (WSB sponsor) tonight to form what they decided to call the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council. The SWDC’s goals for the year included helping West Seattle residents organize in areas that don’t currently have community councils – and this is the first. In addition to discussing procedural points – the need for regular meetings, boundary-drawing, and officer elections – they talked about hot issues in their area, with the fate of the former Genesee Hill Elementary School atop the list. The school housed Pathfinder K-8 for more than a decade till the Pathfinder move to the former Cooper Elementary in Pigeon Point. Genesee resident and realtor Alan Krell said that if the site were ever turned into a housing development, up to 60 homes could be built. So the new council hopes to have a Seattle Public Schools rep come to a meeting to talk about the building and the district’s longterm plans. Other concerns: The Genesee-Schmitz area’s lack of public meeting spaces and playgrounds. Before this kickoff meeting concluded, Dick Miller volunteered to serve as temporary chair, and a smaller group organized to work on nuts-and-bolts tasks such as mailing lists, meeting times, organizational structure, and publicity. If you’re interested in getting involved but couldn’t attend tonight’s meeting – e-mail to get on hte list.

5 Replies to "Birth announcement: The Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council"

  • Jeffro March 17, 2010 (7:54 am)

    It seems dishonest to say that there’s a lack of playgrounds. Even the totally arbitrary neighborhood boundaries as they are now include Ercolini Park. Stretch those boundaries by a block and you get Schmitz Park playground. Not to mention that it is a neighborhood completely encircled with green space.

    The issue of what to do with the abandoned schoolyard is an important matter. Stick to that. There’s no need to invent other injustices that simply do not hold up under scrutiny.

  • Bus Rider March 17, 2010 (10:15 am)

    Well said, Jeffro! Well said.

  • jwws March 17, 2010 (10:22 am)

    Would hate to see a housing development go in at Genesee Hill Elementary since there are no similar sites in that area (and let’s keep it that way!) Why not use as an off-leash dog park (since it already is being used as such) and meeting facility!

  • SomeGuy March 17, 2010 (11:34 am)

    Isn’t school enrollment increasing in West Seattle, pointing to a long-term need to upgrade and reopen the school at some point? I know Schmitz Park added classes this year…
    Completely agree that the last thing we need is more cookie-cutter, quick-construction housing – once those open areas are gone, they ain’t never coming back!

  • Ebaer March 17, 2010 (10:13 pm)

    The school district just had a request for proposals close for proposals to lease the Genesee property for 3-10 years. That might indicate that they don’t want to sell. (Fairmont Park and Hughes too)

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