That’s one of our photos from last year’s Fairmount Ravine cleanup – just part of what neighborhood volunteers picked up and took out of the ravine during several hours of work. They could have done more, with more help – and here’s the advance alert in hopes that you will join them for this year’s cleanup, just a week and a half away. From John Lang:
Fairmount Ravine Preservation Group will sponsor the 18th Annual Spring Cleanup and Reforestation of Fairmount Ravine, Saturday March 6th at 8:30. Meet at top of ravine (Forest St. and Fairmount Ave.). Wear boots and gloves. Bring a pruning saw if interested in removing ivy from trees. Delicious Tully’s coffee and hot cocoa along with donuts will be served. We extend a special invitation to those who use the ravine to access the waterfront; please donate an hour of your time to keep this greenbelt healthy and pristine. More info – call John at 932-5151.
(Google Maps doesn’t seem to recognize Forest/Fairmount but the meeting spot is just east of the spot marked on this map.)
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