In addition to Valentine’s Day shopping at West Seattle businesses … Valentine’s weekend dining at West Seattle restaurants (here’s our updated guide) … here’s one other uniquely local suggestion just out of the inbox:
There’s less than a week to go to Valentine’s Day! Why not give a Valentine that will endure through the coming years? The Alki Community Council still has engraved bricks for sale. You might want to include an appropriate symbol on your Valentine Brick. Symbols depicting a single heart or a pair of interlocking hearts are available. You can download an order form at www.sealady.org or from the ACC’s AlkiNews.com site at alkinews.wordpress.com.
All orders placed before the end of February will be installed this spring in the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza by Seattle Parks & Recreation. Orders placed after that date will be installed in the fall. Please visit the listed websites for additional information. Funds raised through this sale will be turned over to Seattle Parks & Recreation and used to maintain the statue and plaza.
David Hutchinson
ACC Brick Sales
(P.S. We asked; the brick in the pic features the date David and wife Eilene Hutchinson wed.)