STUDENTS HELPING HAITI: From left, Lafayette Elementary student council representatives Anna Goldberg, Alyx Hastings and Quinn Gerberding. Proud Lafayette principal Virginia Turner says they “conceived of, publicized and organized the fundraising effort” that brought in $1,460 for Haiti relief — the council sponsored the collection. Lafayette teacher Kent Ferris worked with the students to help them make it happen. Another big announcement:

ARTISTS HELPING HAITI: Last weekend, we brought you a progress report during West Seattle artist/entrepreneur Stephanie Hargrave‘s art sale to raise money to help Haiti. She now has the final numbers: $17,031 raised during the one-day sale! It’s going to Partners in Health, Doctors Without Borders, and Mercy Corps. Stephanie took the above photo of all the art in her studio during the sale, and adds: “My two friends who were instrumental in the effort and worked tirelessly are West Seattleites Anne-Marie Meredith and Bronwyn McNutt.” She also included a full list of the artists who participated by donating work – see that list (with information on how to contact the artists – web links or phone/e-mail) here.
NEW WEST SEATTLE HELP FOR HAITI: Kari Robins e-mailed to say:
I am a West Seattle resident and a high school teacher. I am going to be traveling to Haiti this summer with Global Volunteer Network. I will be working with orphaned children and homeless women. I want to raise money to help offset the cost of travel and participating in the program.
I will be working with children, youth and women within two camps; Pinchinat and Kay Wolf. These camps have more than 3,000 people who became homeless after the quake. I will be helping to run education classes for children as the schools have been closed down until September.
I am looking for community support to help offset the expense and to maximize my time down in Haiti.
Read more about the type of work she’ll be doing, by going here; to e-mail her with questions and/or help, kari.robins@hotmail.com.