People who live in, and travel through, North Delridge/Pigeon Point/Puget Ridge are still working to sort out how they’ll get around when a section of 23rd SW, just southeast of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, closes for up to six weeks starting next Monday, so a sewer line can be extended to new homes that are being built in the area. Yesterday, we published the Route 125 bus re-routing information from Metro; today, SDOT confirms the parking restrictions that will be put into place, with signs going up as soon as tomorrow. There’s a pedestrian advisory too. Read on for details:
We received this information after asking SDOT media liaison Marybeth Turner for the latest – in addition to the parking-restriction details, note word of an added stop sign, PLUS a pedestrian advisory:
23rd Avenue SW Closure–
“No-park” signs will likely be set up starting tomorrow.
The plan for prohibiting on-street parking is listed below.
This plan is subject to change in the field. Parking restrictions may be increased or decreased, as needed for safety.
Special considerations are the space needed for buses and trucks to turn, and the additional traffic generated by the detour.
Parking Restrictions
(May be changed in the field if needed)East side of 21st Ave SW from 22nd SW to SW Genesee
Both sides of 21st SW from Genesee to Andover
Both sides of 20th SW between Genesee and Dakota
East side of 20th from Charlestown to Dakota
Both sides of Charlestown from 20th to 21st
Both sides of Genesee from 20th to 21st
Both sides of 21 from Charlsestown to AndoverA stop sign will be located on 21st at Andover, facing north and south
ALSO: Access through 23rd Avenue SW at the construction site will be closed to pedestrians for reasons of safety.
Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council leadership is working to help area residents get concerns addressed – so if you live in that area, be sure you’re signed up for their mailing list – follow the links from