Today/tonight: Seed Swap; legislators; grand opening; opera; art!

Some of today’s special events around West Seattle (and vicinity):

SEED SWAP ‘N’ SALE – AND BRING YOUR OLD SHOVELS! Sunny weather got you in the gardening mood? Perfect timing! 1-4 pm today in the horticulture area at the north end of the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) campus (6000 16th SW), it’s the first-ever Seed Swap ‘n’ Sale presented by Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle. The seed list can be seen here; the SSCC Garden Center will also be open and selling plant starts. And bring your old shovels/garden tools, which CHoSS plans to recycle into artwork for later fundraising.

WHAT’S UP IN OLYMPIA? Find out from your 34th District legislators, Sen. Joe McDermott and Reps. Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson, High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW), 11 am. (Full details here)

WESTSIDE YOGA-DOGA GRAND OPENING: This new business in Morgan Junction (6417 Fauntleroy) invites you to its grand-opening party, 7-9 pm tonight. More at its website.

OPERA SNEAK PEEK: 7 pm at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way), the West Seattle Preview Group of the Seattle Opera Guild presents a preview of Verdi’s “Falstaff,” which opens in a week. The opera’s chorusmaster, Beth Kirchhoff, will bring young artists to sing the arias and tell the “Falstaff” story. Free.

AND IN WHITE CENTER … ART! The White Center Third Saturday Art Walk is tonight, with artists showcased at eight WC businesses plus the new Dream Community Gallery, 6-9 pm — all listed on the White Center for the Arts website.

1 Reply to "Today/tonight: Seed Swap; legislators; grand opening; opera; art!"

  • Aviva February 20, 2010 (8:07 pm)

    Thank you to those who came out to the Seed Swap ‘N Sale…and apologies to those who came after we were sold out. By 2:30 we had sold ALL of our 650 packets of seeds. Should have known…with it being the year of Urban Agriculture.


    I’m grateful to all the gardeners who brought in their old seed packets for re-distribution and for the old tools…keep an eye open for their transformation!

    We will be doing a Veggie Start Sale in mid-April. Will have more seeds then.

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