(T-107 Park along the Duwamish River in West Seattle, photographed by Bill Bacon)
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: Tonight HPAC has its monthly get-together at the usual spot, Highland Park Improvement Club, 7 pm (or come a bit earlier and be part of the potluck). Agenda items include park trails, crime updates, and the proposed Seattle annexation of White Center and vicinity.
WORD! MORE LIKE … WORD(S): It’s a Poetry & Storytelling Event tonight at C & P Coffee from 6-8 pm. Free, all ages; this will be a monthly series with a featured reader followed by open mike. February’s poet: Leopoldo Seguel.
SCHOOL TOUR: Denny International Middle School is offering one at 8:30 this morning.
TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: It’s the next community chat with School Board rep Steve Sundquist, 11 am at High Point Branch Library.
STORY TIMES FOR THE LITTLE ONES: All week long, it’s the return of Story Times at local libraries. This morning: Toddler Story Time at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library, 10:30 am (details here), and Preschool Story Time at Southwest Branch Library, 11:30 am (details here)
Looking for more (oh, say, regular Wednesday night trivia at Skylark Café and Club [WSB sponsor])? Or trying to find out what’s happening weeks and months in the future? Check out the WSB West Seattle Events calendar page.
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