Today/tonight: Get healthy; get educated; play ball; read in PJs

(Saturday photo from Alki, by Darren Pilon)
FREE MAMMOGRAMS: These health screenings in West Seattle at South Seattle Community College (6000 16th SW), announced by YWCA, 9 am-3 pm – call to make an appointment and see if you qualify (and if there’s drop-in time) (details here)

LITTLE LEAGUE, LAST CALL: One last in-person registration event for West Seattle Little League, 6-9 pm tonight at the library of West Seattle High School (3000 California SW). Registration forms and information can be found at – and if you choose to mail in the form, you have to have it postmarked by today.

CALLING ALL HIGH POINT FAMILIES: : Parent-School Advocacy Night at High Point Neighborhood Center (6400 Sylvan Way), 6:30 pm, following up on previous sessions (including this one) with families putting some tough questions to Seattle Public Schools leaders.

SCHOOL TOUR: Open-house season is winding down, but school tours are ramping up. Today: Highland Park Elementary (1032 SW Trenton), 10 am. Full districtwide tour list here.

PAJAMA STORY TIME: It’s back, at Delridge Branch Library (5423 Delridge Way), 7 pm (details here)

EVEN MORE … like the weekly open turntables at Skylark Café and Club (6 pm) and rock ‘n’ roll trivia at Feedback Lounge (8 pm), both WSB sponsors – here, on the WSB Events calendar page.

1 Reply to "Today/tonight: Get healthy; get educated; play ball; read in PJs"

  • cami February 23, 2010 (11:39 am)

    Thanks for the mention, Tracy!

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