Ann Kendall, photography
Ann Marie Meredith, image transfers
e-mail at: or call 206-349-5873Britt Freda, oil paintings
Camea Davidson, cards, paintings
Carla Davis, prints, paintings, cards
Carol Pierce, paintings
represented by Kaewyn Gallery – Bothell, has work at Overlake HospitalConrad Chavez, photographs and digital prints
Cynthia LaRowe, photography
info on photography: cynthia.larowe@gmail.comDana Cassara, jewelry
Diane Culhane, oil paintings
Don Bugler, sculpture, paintings
Frances Smersh, jewelry
Gail Howard, acrylic paintings
Garric Simonsen, fine art of all kinds
Gini Lawson, oil paintings
Holly Haynes, woven works
Jan Flynn, paintings
Jesse Young, photography
Joelle King, jewelry
Juan Alonso, fine art of all kinds
Julie Biggs, mixed media collage
Junko Yamamoto, paintings
Kamla Kakaria, encaustics, prints
Kathy Berg, paintings
e-mail at: kathy.berg@comcast.netKelly Lyles, fine art of all kinds
KT Grisez, sculpture, jewelry
Lara Swimmer, photography
Layne Cook, paintings
Leah Kangas, jewelry
Lonjina Verdugo, mixed media collage
Marcos Lewis, ceramics
for urchin vessels, contact: marcos@olypen.comMarita Dingus, fine art of all kinds
Mark Burgess, frames
wood frames: 425-828-6012Melinda Hannigan, oil paintings
Mike Mullins, paintings
Pam Keely, fine art of all kinds
Patricia Cameron Fine Art, gallery
*Patricia donated a print by one of her artistsPaul Rucker, cellist, fine art of all kinds
Rachel Illingworth, print maker
Rickie Wolfe, fine art of all kinds
*solo show coming soon with Gallery IMASally Ketchum
fine art of all kindsSandy Glass, graphic design
Sarah Savidge, paintings
Shaun Doll, encaustics
Stephanie Hargrave, encaustics, etc.
*solo show july 1st – patricia rovzar galleryStephanie Tomczak, jewelry
*winner of an award of artistic excellence – BAM’s Indulge ShowSue Danielson, oil paintings
Theresa Neinas, block prints
West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday