Checking the WSB archives, it was one year ago today that we broke the story of Seattle City Light‘s massive burned-out-streetlight backup: 3,500. We went looking for that story because City Light has asked us (and others) to share an update on the streetlight situation from Superintendent Jorge Carrasco and City Councilmember Bruce Harrell. It’s published on SCL’s Power Lines site; their update says the situation a year ago was even more dire than we’d been told at the time (they mention 8,000 burnouts and a six-month wait in “early 2009”), but they are now committed to a 10-day turnaround. They’re also embarking on a federally funded project to replace 5,000 of the city’s 80,000 streetlights with LEDs; they hope to eventually replace them all. In the meantime, if you’ve got streetlight trouble, they point you to this online form; you also can call 206-684-7056. (WSB photo taken today during streetlight work spotted at 42nd/Dakota)
West Seattle, Washington
21 Tuesday