Census confusion? South Seattle Community College will help

February 28, 2010 3:47 am
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From South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor):

South Seattle Community College is partnering with the U.S. Census Brueau to help achieve a complete and accurate count of the nation’s growing population. By supporting the 2010 Census, the college hopes to raise awareness of this important initiative and work to increase the overall response rate of historically hard-to-count college and university students.

The partnership will involve sharing information about the census on the college website, www.southseattle.edu, and encouraging students to complete and return their 2010 Census forms. Off-campus sites NewHolly and Georgetown will also participate in outreach activities.

In addition, a Question Assistance Center (QAC) will be established on the main campus in Cascade Court room 123 (former site of Bernie’s Bakery), where staff will answer questions from students and members of the community. The QAC will be staffed from 11 am to 7 pm on the following dates:

Tuesday, March 16
Wednesday, March 17
Tuesday, April 6
Wednesday, April 7
Tuesday, April 13
Wednesday, April 14

South Seattle Community College is located at 6000-16th Ave. SW, in West Seattle. Driving directions: www.southseattle.edu/campus/map.htm#sscc.

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