Two updates tonight on West Seattle help for Haiti. First, artist Todd Martin – shown at left while participating in last November’s West Seattle Art Walk at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) – wanted to send out a challenge to his fellow artists:
Hello West Seattle art lovers; with the help of the West Seattle Blog, I am issuing a challenge to all West Seattle Artists.
We have all seen the suffering in Haiti and the lack of medical help and supplies so far in the country. My name is Todd Martin and I am a local Alaska Junction artist and photographer. Since November I have been raising money using my photography. I have raised money for The Woodland Park Zoo and now it’s time to raise funds for Doctors without Borders. Many of you may have seen my work at Hotwire Coffee in November of 2009. My collection was “Head Shots” if animals were celebrities … what it would be like if the paparazzi chased animals instead of people. I will be donating 65 percent of all proceeds to the cause. My website:
If you are interested in knowing more about the challenge or want to buy…call me at 206-817-1784 or
Everything on the site is available. I have many framed items in stock right now as well as some smaller items and cards. Artists, let’s all join together so we can give weekly updates. My Goal myself is 1000 dollars. I would like to do a lot more. If we could all get together to raise 10,000 dollars in 5 weeks (end of February) It would put us on the art map and also help those less fortunate. I feel so fortunate when I see the news stories of Haiti. I have been unemployed since last May from my full-time job, but I still feel fortunate for all I have and still feel I can afford to give and help out. Please buy some art and encourage your artist friends to join in too. Artists, whatever portion you wish to donate is fine. Let’s just band together and help out our brothers and sisters in Haiti…
Also, an update from West Seattle-based filmmaker Jamie Chamberlin on the ROCK4RELIEF concert coming up January 28 at Showbox SODO (here’s our report from yesterday) – with an art component here too:
Tickets will go on sale tomorrow Friday the 22nd @ and 100% of all proceeds from this event will be sent to the American Red Cross.
A raffle is being planned the night of the event to raise additional donations. Laura Boos, a local West Seattle artist, and others will be approaching local businesses for event support.
Any and all contributions will be greatly appreciated.
If you’d like to help, please contact:
P.S. While at Chief Sealth High School for tonight’s open house, we saw signs for a bake sale during Friday night’s basketball games, raising $ for Haiti relief.
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