When we reported earlier this week on tributes to Bear Silverstein, co-owner of West Seattle Cellars, we noted his memorial service was still being planned. Tom DiStefano from WSC just e-mailed to say that the information is now up on the family’s Caring Bridge webpage along with a full obituary. Service details:
A memorial service will be held at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California Ave SW, Sunday, January 31 at 2 pm with a reception to follow.
In lieu of flowers, remembrances to honor Bear may be made to the Mission Folk Festival at Box 3125, Mission, BC, Canada, V2V 4J3 , and tax deductible donations for Anna’s education and Bear’s medical costs can be made through Anna’s church, Friends of the One, Bear Fund, P.O. Box 18646, Seattle, WA 98118.
Mr. Silverstein died last week at age 53.
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