If you consulted the county’s list of pharmacies offering vaccine and were thinking of going to Katterman’s Sand Point Pharmacy in the north end today because they’re offering a “walk-in” clinic for 6 months and up – West Seattle architect Brandon Nicholson sends photos and a warning that the line is already blocks long. 10:27 AM UPDATE: Update from Brandon – they’re out for the day but (as per the county page) planning to do this again tomorrow. Brandon is dad to a 12-month-old and say his West Seattle pediatrician isn’t expecting vaccine till next month, which is why they went to check out the only King County pharmacy offering it now to babies and toddlers.
1:17 PM UPDATE: More info from Brandon for any local families thinking about doing this tomorrow. After five hours, he got an appointment to bring his son back later this afternoon. Katterman’s is not taking appointments for the rest of today but will start the cycle again tomorrow morning. He got there at 7 am today and the line was already longer than a block, but he says you do NOT need to bring your child to stand out in the cold with you to get the appointment – when you get to the head of the line, they’ll give you a one-hour window to come back later and get the vaccine. $20/vaccine and he says cash will move things faster – you can be processed outside rather than going inside to deal with insurance or credit card. Location and contact info for the pharmacy is here (they’re even on Twitter and mentioned they have 700 doses for tomorrow).