At West Seattle Bowl tonight, the big winner at the Beer Church‘s 11th annual Turkey Bowl bowling benefit was the West Seattle Food Bank – organizers Kendall Jones and Kim Sharpe Jones, above, reported easily double the food donations of last year; the event itself (with co-sponsors including WSB) sold out way in advance, and even had a waiting list! Then, there were the trophy winners in a couple of challenges – Elliott Bay Brewery took the brewers’ trophy – claimed here by proprietor Todd Carden:
And the Pub Challenge trophy went – for the third time – to West 5, announced by Kendall and accepted triumphantly by proprietor Dave Montoure:
Dave also took a moment to pose with Pete Spalding, who’s president of the West Seattle Food Bank‘s board (among many other things):

So what else does the Beer Church do, you ask? Find out at beerchurch.com. And if you didn’t get to the Turkey Bowl to donate food to the WS Food Bank – here’s its holiday schedule – and you can donate $ online. ADDED 2:02 PM: Kendall from Beer Church sent this note out to participants asking them to share with everyone “in their group” – so we’re sharing it with everyone in WSB’land – read on:
If anyone knows who has the photos to which he refers, PLEASE let him know ASAP:
Please pass this on to the members of your group. Seriously, I need you to do that.
On behalf of the West Seattle Food Bank I want to thank all of you. What an event! It was a blast. We should all be very proud. We did a good thing last night. We don’t have exact totals in yet, but it’s looking like we raised just over $3,000 and collected approximately 3,000 lbs. of food. Excellent work! There is a story up on the Washington Beer Blog about the event.
This was our biggest bowling event to date. We did things a bit differently this time. We learned some things. It’s all good. We’d love to hear any suggestions while it’s all still fresh in your mind.
If anyone took pictures, please let me know. We are particularly interested in pictures of the food being loaded into the truck. Our video camera ran out of gas at exactly the wrong moment. It was a magnificent spectacle and we are heartbroken that we don’t have any pictures or video of that most important part of the night. Someone was taking pictures as the food was being loaded into the truck, we just don’t know who it was. Please help if you can.
Thank you all!
Kendall Jones
Director | Beer Church