The windy weather’s not scaring away trick-or-treaters in the Admiral business district – that first shot is our drive-by photo from the Admiral/California intersection. Out of the car, we got candy-handing-out action at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) with co-proprietor John Smersh greeting trick-or-treaters:

And near Admiral Theater (where goofy-scary Theatresports improv is onstage at 8 tonight), Don Wahl from Alki Mail and Dispatch set up a table to meet candy-seekers who might not otherwise make it several blocks west on Admiral to his place:

More than two dozen other merchants are participating (here’s the map), continuing till 6 pm; tomorrow, it’s Trick or Treat at The Junction from 1 pm to 3 pm and Westwood Village trick-or-treating 4-7 pm. Lots more before, during, and after, of course.
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