One of the things we do here at WSB HQ besides produce and publish the site is answer e-mail, Facebook and Twitter messages, phone calls, etc., that may never result in actual articles. However, if we get more than a few notes about something, that’s usually a signal we’d better publish the answer here too. Today’s example: About a dozen notes have come in regarding what sounded like gunshots just before 1 am today in the general Junction vicinity. We were monitoring the scanner then, as usual, and did not hear anything suggesting that evidence of gunshots were found; the past few nights, in fact, in other areas of West Seattle including ours, what was reported as possible gunshots turned out to be fireworks. But just to be sure, we have checked with the Southwest Precinct, and so far two lieutenants there have both told us no evidence has been found to confirm any shots actually were fired (no cars or homes hit, no casings found, nothing in the “significant incidents” briefing from earlier shifts; and we can confirm from online 911 medic/fire logs that there were no aid calls). As always, questions/breaking-news tips welcome 24/7 – here are all the ways to reach us.
West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday