West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
West Seattle residents and Square 1 Books (WSB sponsor) owners Gretchen Montgomery and Matthew Mors took second in today’s Great Urban Race downtown – this according to a note we just got from Gretchen’s proud mom Sue Montgomery. The GUR is described on its website as a “wacky urban adventure. Teams of two solve twelve clues, have a wild city adventure and complete fun challenges while discovering the city in a fresh way …” 4:59 PM UPDATE: Got a note from Matthew – they are back downtown right now to get their medals; he sent photos, including the one we’ve added atop this report with them at the finish line, and this one involving one of the tasks – a human pyramid by the Cinerama theater:
Just happened onto this project along the south side of the Super 24 convenience store at Delridge/Findlay (map) – the mural mentioned during the Community Safety Coalition meeting Thursday night is being painted right now. First the young painters are putting up a coat of primer (as seen above) over the store’s pre-existing peach-colored paint; next, artist Jonathan will paint the mural, and Maria from Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association tells us the whole thing should be done by day’s end, so we’ll check back later to see the finished product! (Other beautification work on Delridge today – the North Delridge Neighborhood Council‘s quarterly Adopt-A-Street cleanup was this morning – we passed by some of the bright yellow bags of trash getting loaded up to be taken away.)
Just got a phone call asking that we get the last-minute word out about this too: The West Seattle High School Class of 1989 has its reunion tonight at West Seattle Golf Course; we’ve confirmed this with WSGC, which is at 4470 35th SW (map). Admission free, donations accepted – the festivities begin at 4 pm, and the caller says WSHS’ers from years in that vicinity are welcome too.
The notorious “Fauntleroy stench” is back today – blamed on sea lettuce in Fauntleroy Cove generating hydrogen sulfide, according to Judy Pickens from the Fauntleroy Community Association, who offers this advice:
While we were able to secure funding from the 2009 legislative session for research and emergency response, the process of determining how to spend it has barely begun. Consequently, affected residents of Fauntleroy and other shoreline areas on the west side of the peninsula should exercise standard “stench protocol”:
– Note when low tide is, which is when sea lettuce on the beach decomposes and sends off the gas.
– Close all windows and skylights when you first notice the acrid smell.
– Stay indoors until the air seems fresh.
– Use a fan to blow out your bedroom before sleeping; the gas is heavy and needs a push.
– Leave home for awhile if the smell is especially strong.Remember: It’s not just the smell of saltwater. It’s a noxious gas that can make you sick. Symptoms include eye irritation, headache, nausea, and vomiting.
We unintentionally skipped this in the Weekend Lineup but we just got a reminder note that it’s definitely on: The Ride and Glide “Extreme Sports Team” (featured above in a YouTube clip from last year) will be showing off BMX moves at the West Seattle Christian Preschool lot (41st/Genesee; map) tonight – free hot dogs at 5:30 pm, show at 6:30 pm. (If for some reason rain returns – not currently forecast – the show will move inside to the WSCC Activity Center, which is on 42nd just south of Genesee.)
(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
Seattle Police publish summaries of notable incidents to the SPDBlotter site (spdblotter.seattle.gov); we have the West Seattle Crime Watch page set up so that any tagged “Southwest Precinct” automatically feed there (here’s a direct link). Just spotted the summary of last night’s Admiral shots fired/victim beaten/suspect arrested incident (WSB as-it-happened coverage here) – here’s what police wrote:
On 8/28/09, at approximately 1130 p.m., the suspect and victim got into a fight in front of a Pub in the 2300 block of California Av SW. The suspect pulled out a hand gun, and pistol-whipped the victim, causing facial lacerations and possibly a broken nose. During the assault, a round apparently went off into the air, leading witnesses to believe that the victim had been shot. Seattle Fire responded and treated the victim on scene, he was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries.
The suspect ran off a short distance and tossed the hand gun away. A witness identified the suspect to the responding officers, and showed them the location of the gun. The suspect was arrested, and the gun was recovered.
The suspect was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Assault.
(Thursday night photo by Christopher Boffoli)
KENNEY SALE: West Seattle’s newest official city landmark, The Kenney‘s cupola-topped Seaview Building, marks the site of one of today’s many sales – Household goods, treasures, more, 9 am-4 pm, with this sale at The Kenney benefiting its fund taking care of residents who “outlive their financial resources.” 7125 Fauntleroy (map).
LOTS OF OTHER SALES: Other fundraising sales (like one for PAWS) and garage/yard sales happening TODAY are listed in the WSB Forums’ Freebies/Deals/Sales section – any time you have a sale, whether yard or business, you’re welcome to post there for free too.
HOLY FAMILY STREET FAIR: Holy Family School is on the line between West Seattle and White Center and inviting everybody in both communities – and beyond – to its El Carnaval street fair today and tomorrow, 10 am start both days. 20th SW will be blocked off just south of Roxbury for the fun (map).
MORE EVENTS/ACTIVITIES/ATTRACTIONS! … listed in the latest West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
AND A TRAFFIC REMINDER … The South Park Bridge is scheduled to be closed 7 am-7 pm today for repair work.
North Admiral resident Jerry from JetCityOrange got that video on the West Seattle Bridge Friday night as the monthly Critical Mass group bicycle ride rolled into West Seattle (if you want to “fast-forward” through the clip, the first bicyclists appear around :24, the first major group around 1:40), with two Seattle Police cars alongside the front of the group, as you can see toward the end of the clip. (Independent journalist Johnathon Fitzpatrick reported via Twitter that one officer told him before the ride “I’m gonna be making sure nobody does anything ignorant” – in reference to cars around the riders; he also published a TwitPic from The Bridge.) We also got a tip about the bicyclists from Rhonda @ The Mortgage Porter (WSB sponsor) and got down to Alki in time for a photo:
Critical Mass happens every fourth Friday, leaving downtown at 5:30, via different routes that aren’t mass-publicized ahead of time. More info here. There was an online suggestion that World Naked Bike Ride participants might be along for the ride, but if you look closely at Jerry’s video – everybody seems to be dressed.
(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, added 12:02 am)
ORIGINAL 11:46 PM REPORT: California SW is being closed right now in 2300 block (north of Admiral) because of an “assault with weapons” investigation. Still gathering information. Avoid the area. It’s apparently happening on SW College just west of California – that’s where fire is responding.
11:54 PM UPDATE: It’s a shooting – apparently preceded by an “altercation” out front of Admiral Pub – suspect that’s being sought is described, per scanner: White man, early 20s, 6 foot, stocky, white Seahawks shirt, dark shorts, small caliber handgun.
12:01 AM UPDATE: Police have arrested the suspected shooter. 23-year-old, being taken to the Southwest Precinct. They also have recovered the gun. Don’t know yet about the victim, though. WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is at the scene and reported moments ago that it’s “chaos.”
12:08 AM UPDATE: From Christopher: “Witnesses tell me they heard at least one gunshot and screaming. I saw at least one victim, a white male, with a head injury being transported to Harborview.” (added 12:47 am – Christopher’s photo from the scene, before medic unit left)
12:17 AM UPDATE: Per scanner – police are about to reopen California to traffic in that area.
12:21 AM UPDATE: New information from a Seattle Police sergeant at the scene: The victim who was taken to the hospital suffered his injuries in a fistfight that preceded the shooting – shots were then fired but did not hit anyone.
12:37 AM UPDATE: Adding more photos from Christopher, who’s been covering this at the scene. Also checked online court records for the name that police used on the scanner to identify the suspect; some past history, full records not available online at this hour. In this photo, the suspect is in the car furthest from the camera – this was at California/Walker, block-plus north of scene:
SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Seattle Police have published a short summary of the incident to their SPDBlotter site (not official police reports, but summaries written by their Media Unit). Read it here.
Every year, the West Seattle Big Band plays at the Hi-Yu Festival Concert in the Park on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center, usually in July. This year, they got a Hiawatha encore, as last night’s closing act for the first-ever Summer Concerts at Hiawatha presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association. We published a report early today about the great turnout and the series’ success, but we didn’t have this video at the time, and wanted to share it with you now. Whether or not you’ve ever seen/heard West Seattle’s one and only Big Band, WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli‘s video from last night’s concert is worth a look and listen. (You can find out more about the group at westseattlebigband.com.)
We haven’t succeeded so far today in getting official police information on this business burglary, but we do now have a report from a neighbor, which along with what we learned earlier – plus the photo at left, courtesy of Celeste – is enough for a Crime Watch report: Around 4 o’clock this morning (we posted it at the time via Twitter, where we often note scanner activity in the wee hours) police checked into a report of door damage at the Original Bakery (9253 45th SW, in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne business mini-district). No one was reported to be inside the shop when the damage was spotted. Lisa says this is what she learned later in the day: “The front door was smashed completely, and the cash register was stolen. … Bernie was busy filling out reports and dealing with the mess this morning. Bernie is my neighbor and such a kind person. Makes me so sad he was a target!” Up to police to connect the dots if warranted, but the door smash is reminiscent of the photo and report earlier this week from Budget Blinds (WSB sponsor) after a break-in attempt there.
We have official word that Brickyard BBQ in the Admiral District is indeed now open for business for the first time, 4 months after first word that it was in the works. WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli went to its location – 2310 California SW – for the photos in this report, and an on-the-spot report:
They are absolutely open for business. Already a good crowd of people there enjoying themselves. I spoke with Don Kriley who, along with his brother Dan, owns Brickyard. They told me that their plans are to be open from 11:30am to 1:30am everyday but they may adjust that depending on how things go. In terms of menu, he said Chef Ryan Ackerson is going to have more of a sampler menu through the weekend. They only got their health department approvals this week so there are certain things, like ribs, that they have not had a chance to make yet. They do not have a website up. I saw the menu but it didn’t have any prices listed. Nor did I see any desserts.
Tonight’s menu features a choice of smoked chicken or pulled pork with a choice of sauces: sweet & smokey or spicy New Mexican chile.
Dinner comes with one choice of a side: slow smoked baked beans w/bacon, brickyard coleslaw w/buttermilk vinaigrette, iceberg wedge w/bacon, grape tomatoes and green onion w/blue cheese vinaigrette, Yukon gold potato salad w/egg, celery and green onion, summer green pea salad w/ bacon, grape tomatoes, green onion, Monterey Jack w/buttermilk vinaigrette
Plus a choice of bread: buttermilk biscuit or jalapeno cornbread w/ honey butter
Outdoor seating too:
Something else we’ve been asked about that apparently isn’t being covered elsewhere … the visible fire smoke from the Olympics. Caroline‘s the latest to write about it, noting it’s quite visible from Alki, and wondering what it’s all about. Best as we have determined, it’s from the Heatwave Complex of fires – full details here (thanks to Carrie for the link), and here’s a Port Angeles article from earlier this week.
(Art by Susan K. Miller)
If you’ve been thinking about going to Schmitz Preserve Park this weekend, note that access will be limited, as the film crew associated with the online series “Star Trek: Phoenix” is back. We’ve received two notes about this today – one from Susan K. Miller, author of Picturing and Poeting, a Schmitz Park-centric site, who writes on her site that the notices posted at the park say the film activity will be happening tomorrow and Sunday. She created the art above – explaining:
The porta potty at the Admiral Ave. entrance to Schmitz Preserve Park was the first indication something was up. There are two 8×11″ paper signs saying that Temporal Studios, a local film production company, is filming “a short film” Saturday and Sunday, Aug 29 and 30 from 6am-10pm at the entrance and inside the park. Visitors may not be able to access that entrance or parts of the park, the signs said.
The “Temporal Studios” mentioned on the notices reported by that author is the “ST: Phoenix” production company; they shot in Schmitz Park a month ago (here’s what we wrote afterward).
(Twitpic of 5/11/09 Atlantis launch by @jesszuber)
Just got this announcement from the Museum of Flight – the West Seattle High School alumnus astronaut who piloted the space shuttle back in May is making a trip home:
In May 2009, astronaut and Seattle-native Gregory C. Johnson brought a Museum of Flight logo patch with him on Space Shuttle mission STS-125 to the Hubble Space Telescope. The patch will become a part of the Museum’s space collection when Johnson returns it during a public presentation on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. Johnson will also talk about the mission that extended the life of Hubble for another 5 to 10 years. The presentation is in the William M. Allen Theater, admission is $10 general public, and $5 for Museum members.
Navy Reserve Capt. Gregory C. Johnson piloted the space shuttle Atlantis during its 11-day mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. During the mission, astronauts repaired and upgraded the Hubble Space Telescope, conducting five spacewalks during their mission to extend the life of the orbiting observatory. Johnson graduated from West Seattle High School in 1972 and earned his bachelor of science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Washington in 1977. The patch will eventually be on display in the Museum’s Space: Exploring the New Frontier exhibit.
If you’ve never been to the Museum of Flight, it’s a must-visit and it’s not far from West Seattle – 9404 East Marginal Way South (map/directions).
We’re about to start one of the final few summer weekends, with a list of more than four dozen West Seattle ways to enjoy it – live music (indoors and outdoors), special dance events (indoors and outdoors!), Holy Family‘s street fair on the West Seattle/White Center line, the Reinvent Yourself Workshop (WSB sponsor) on Sunday, fun fundraisers featuring everything from barbecue to haircuts to a dog-treat bake sale … all featured in this edition of the WSB West Seattle Weekend Lineup:Read More
As reported here previously, today was announced as the new Brickyard BBQ restaurant (2310 California SW)’s opening day – so we went by a short time ago to see if they had already swung open the doors – not yet, but we were told by those working on finishing touches that they’ll open today at 4. They’re almost exactly across the street from another new restaurant, Porterhouse, which is now in its third week of operation.(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
A month and a half after our reports (1st article here, followups here and here) on the $4 million problem with leaky waterproofing material atop the new covers at Myrtle and Beacon Hill Reservoirs, its replacement is in place, according to Seattle Public Utilities. We checked in after Chas Redmond sent the photo you see above, showing the hot-asphalt material that is being used instead of the material that turned out to have hundreds of leaks (with a long process ahead to determine the cause, who’s to blame, and who ultimately picks up the bill). SPU’s Elaine Yeung tells WSB, “The application of the new waterproofing system is complete at Myrtle. The next steps will be the acceptance testing. Then beginning the week of September 8th, the contractor plans to start installing the drain rock and soil. Hydro-seeding to establish grass is planned to occur later in September.” The now-underground reservoir has remained in service throughout this process, according to SPU, which also has stressed that the leaks in the original waterproofing material did not pose any health risk. Once the reservoir work is finally complete, the site will be turned over to the Parks Department for development of a new park site (more info on that here; public design meetings wrapped up last year).
Just received that aerial photo from Pauline Sugarman at DKA, which is leading the new Denny Middle School/renovated Chief Sealth High School project – she calls it the “first aerial photo” of the project and included the construction update that’s going to neighbors and other interested parties:
Last month, July, 2009, the Project 1 contractor completed the retaining wall along the east property line as well as continued work on the sewer line along with east property. Grading for the north parking lot was started and will be completed by the first week of August.
This month, August, 2009, work for Project 1 will include site asphalt paving at the north parking lot and east road.
For Project 2, installation of the short aggregate piers will be completed by the end of this month. The Project 2 contractor is starting the interior renovation of the main classroom building for Chief Sealth. Foundation work will also be starting in August along with site work including grading, excavation and underground utilities for the new Denny school.
Installation of some storm sewer piping and connecting to the existing sanitary manhole in SW Kenyon Street, 260 feet east of the SW 26th Avenue intersection will take place August 10th through the 21st. The new utility will serve the new Denny Sealth campus scheduled to open in fall, 2010. No other utilities will be impacted by this work. Pedestrian and vehicle access to homes adjacent to the work zone will be maintained during the street closure. Detour signs will be up to direct all other traffic during construction hours.
Visit the BEX website bex.seattleschools.org/chiefsealth.html to see photos, construction news and more.
Please contact the Denny/Chief Sealth project manager, Robert Evans, at (206) 658-2731 or email at revans@heery.com if you have any questions or concerns regarding this construction project.
Sealth is scheduled to reopen in a year; move-in for the new Denny is planned for 2011.
The West Seattle Weekend Lineup will be out later this morning, but first a couple quick reminders about three events:
****Pharmaca (WSB sponsor) in The Junction has declared today Natural Mom and Baby Day — with freebies including consultations, samples, and child-health seminars (10-11 am, on immunity-boosting; noon-1 pm, allergy remedies; 3-4 pm, DHA’s and brain health), and special offers; full details on Pharmaca’s West Seattle store page (which also lists other upcoming events, like flu shots).
****The third 4-day run of Delridge Produce Cooperative’s “Mobile Market” free-produce pilot project begins this afternoon – 3:30 to 7:30 at 9050 Delridge (where we visited them on Day 1). Go get free fruit/vegetables and fill out a (fast) survey.
****Tonight at Providence Mount St. Vincent, jazz by Cheryl Serio wraps up this year’s Summer Concerts at The Mount series (WSB sponsor) — you can watch or listen to her music here for a preview. Food and drink are on sale at 5; free concert starts at 6; bring your own chair and/or blanket.
Info-packed meeting Thursday night for the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition, one of West Seattle’s two crime-and-safety-focused groups (the other is the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council). From crime trends in the area (southeast West Seattle plus north White Center) — including a crime police are hoping more victims will report — to what can be done about problem properties, here are the highlights —Read More
ORIGINAL 3:38 AM REPORT: We’ve been monitoring scanner traffic about an incident on the westbound West Seattle Bridge, described on the 911 log as a freeway medic response. Via Twitter, KIRO says it’s a rollover and says both directions are closed. According to what we’re hearing on the scanner, the driver in the vehicle that rolled — believed to have been traveling at high speed — was found in the passenger seat, “unresponsive,” and is now undergoing CPR. 3:46 AM UPDATE: Also per the scanner, one lane of The Bridge is open westbound; eastbound is completely open. (Image at left is latest “live” pic from camera pointed east of the crash scene) UPDATE 7:15 am: Northwest Cable News is reporting the incident as a fatal accident. 8:46 AM: Here’s the short blurb from SPDBlotter, confirming that the 27-year-old driver died. 2:39 PM UPDATE: The county Medical Examiner has just updated the hotline with its daily list of cases investigated, but concluded the list with “there is nothing to release at this time” regarding this crash, so as of right now, the driver’s identity still has not been made public.
The biggest group to play the first-ever Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented Summer Concerts at Hiawatha was also the last to play … Thursday night, the West Seattle Big Band performed the finale in the series of six free outdoor concerts — one of which moved indoors – remember the thunderstorms two weeks ago?) — no sign of rain tonight, aside from singer Stephanie Cortes crooning “Somewhere Over the Rainbow“:
WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, who provided the previous two photos, promises video we’ll add here later today (Friday). First, here’s our pic of the last of six great audiences:
We’re glad to have been able to be among the sponsors (all listed here) of this first-ever season – coordinator Katy Walum did say it was “the first” so we’re hoping that means it’ll be back for an encore next year! (Photo added Friday – Katy receiving well-deserved flowers and kudos from ANA president Mark Wainwright)
If you have ideas for this or other Admiral events, get involved with the Admiral Neighborhood Association – it’ll be back to regular meetings next month, 7 pm Tuesday, September 8th, in the Admiral Church basement meeting room.