(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, added 12:02 am)
ORIGINAL 11:46 PM REPORT: California SW is being closed right now in 2300 block (north of Admiral) because of an “assault with weapons” investigation. Still gathering information. Avoid the area. It’s apparently happening on SW College just west of California – that’s where fire is responding.
11:54 PM UPDATE: It’s a shooting – apparently preceded by an “altercation” out front of Admiral Pub – suspect that’s being sought is described, per scanner: White man, early 20s, 6 foot, stocky, white Seahawks shirt, dark shorts, small caliber handgun.
12:01 AM UPDATE: Police have arrested the suspected shooter. 23-year-old, being taken to the Southwest Precinct. They also have recovered the gun. Don’t know yet about the victim, though. WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is at the scene and reported moments ago that it’s “chaos.”
12:08 AM UPDATE: From Christopher: “Witnesses tell me they heard at least one gunshot and screaming. I saw at least one victim, a white male, with a head injury being transported to Harborview.” (added 12:47 am – Christopher’s photo from the scene, before medic unit left)

12:17 AM UPDATE: Per scanner – police are about to reopen California to traffic in that area.
12:21 AM UPDATE: New information from a Seattle Police sergeant at the scene: The victim who was taken to the hospital suffered his injuries in a fistfight that preceded the shooting – shots were then fired but did not hit anyone.
12:37 AM UPDATE: Adding more photos from Christopher, who’s been covering this at the scene. Also checked online court records for the name that police used on the scanner to identify the suspect; some past history, full records not available online at this hour. In this photo, the suspect is in the car furthest from the camera – this was at California/Walker, block-plus north of scene:

SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Seattle Police have published a short summary of the incident to their SPDBlotter site (not official police reports, but summaries written by their Media Unit). Read it here.