Just two days till the next big West Seattle festival, the Morgan Junction Community Festival this Saturday, in and around the new Morgan Junction Park (which will be dedicated at 10 am, right before the 11 am-6 pm festival), and we have more details now about one brand-new component of the festival, the “Bite of Morgan” — from Kate Stineback:
Several restaurants have agreed to participate in the first annual “Bite” by donating bite-sized goodies for festival attendees throughout the day…the restaurants participating are:
Kokoras Greek Grill
Feedback Lounge
Zeeks Pizza
Tully’s Coffee
Abbondanza Pizzeria (after 4:30pm)
Caffe Ladro (handing out coupons at the park opening)We are so excited about this and hope that people will come on down, grab a coupon book and travel around the (Morgan) Junction to these businesses to pick up a yummy “bite” of something inside each establishment. It should be great! And it says a lot about our businesses that they would be willing to do this at such a precarious time in the economy. Let’s show them our love and come out to the festival to celebrate our great little commercial business district!
You’ll be able to get the coupon book for the free “bites” at the Morgan Community Association booth. We’ll be there reporting live throughout the day too – hope to see you there! Earlier in the week, we mentioned the music lineup – read on for a few more details on the bands, courtesy of Chas Redmond:
11:30 am-12:15 pm
Seattle’s Own High Country
4-piece band playing Up-tempo Classic Country and Country-inspired originals12:45-1:30 pm
Primo and Friends
4-piece band playing Rock and Blues originals
website: http://primorosario.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/primoandthetranzzplantz2-2:45 pm
Soul Machinery
4-piece band playing New Orleans Funk
website: http://myspace.com/soulmachinery3:15-4 pm
The Slags
4-piece band playing Punk, Rock and Reggae originals
website: http://slagsband.com or http://www.myspace.com/theslagsband4:30-5:30 pm
4 outta 5
4-piece band playing Rock covers
website: http://www.4outta5.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/4outta5
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