Just got word that one of the final TBA slots on the music slate at West Seattle Summer Fest (WSB sponsor), the three-day festival in The Junction that starts three weeks from Friday: Caspar Babypants, the family-music act launched by Chris Ballew, who you probably know best as lead singer of The Presidents of the United States of America. They’ll perform at 2:15 pm Saturday 7/11 (currently listed as “TBA” on the official Summer Fest music-lineup page). They also have a new CD out (more info here; more videos here) and we’re told that this is yet another West Seattle link to the Summer Fest slate – because Ballew has just bought a house in West Seattle. Read on for the list of Summer Fest bands with West Seattle ties (besides Caspar Babypants):
Mudhoney (www.myspace.com/mudhoney)
Mark Pickerel & His Praying Hands (www.myspace.com/markpickerelandhisprayinghands)
The Magic Mirrors (www.myspace.com/themagicmirrors)
70 Proof (1970’s guitar rock cover songs performed by Andrew McKeag & Jason Finn of The Presidents, Mike Musburger of The Posies, Kurt Bloch from The Fastbacks, Ben London from Alcohol Funnycar and special guests!)
Super Sonic Soul Pimps (www.myspace.com/intellijamus)
We Are Golden (www.myspace.com/wearegoldenmusic)
The Lonely Forest (www.myspace.com/thelonelyforest)
Kim Virant (www.myspace.com/kimvirant)
Trombone Cake (www.myspace.com/trombonecake2007)
Capping Day (www.myspace.com/cappingday)
Green Pajamas (www.myspace.com/greenpajamas)
Olympic Sound Collective (www.myspace.com/olympicsoundcollective)
Swamp Soul (www.swampsoulband.com/music.html)
Pillow Army (www.myspace.com/pillowarmy)
Supermassive (www.supermassivemusic.com)