We say that for so many reasons – the West Seattle Rock Club (WSB sponsor) has its (free!) annual Rock and Gem Show this weekend, Delridge Day tomorrow at Youngstown Arts Center (we’ll be reporting live – hope to see you there!), the first-ever West Seattle 5K (WSB sponsor) will hit the street during “Celebrate Summer Streets” on Sunday… It will also be a magical Sunday afternoon at The Admiral, and tonight you can play Rainbow Bingo at the Senior Center or catch the “Devil’s Dance Parade” in White Center … lots of live music tonight too … help mulch tomorrow on behalf of the Alki Community Wildlife Habitat … more than FIFTY events ahead in the full West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:
This week’s WSB West Seattle Weekend Lineup sponsored by
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: Southwest Pool is open! Swim-session schedule here
ALL WEEKEND: Kayaking and land-sports (bikes, skates) rentals at Seacrest with Alki Kayak Tours
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
RUNS THROUGH JUNE 19: Ambiguities: Exhibit showcases works by John Feodorov.
South Seattle Community College Art Gallery, Jerry Brockey Student Center
Open Mondays-Fridays
RUNS THROUGH JUNE 19: Intergenerational Art Show at The Mount
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Puppies and Ice Cream: a discourse on contemporary sublime
AWAA group show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Rainbow Bingo with a “Viva Las Vegas ” theme at Senior Center of West Seattle, starting 7:00 p.m. for donation of $15. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. with food, beverages, entertainment and viewing of decorated baskets that are prizes. Celebrity caller Sylvia O’Stayformore will be assisted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and there will be an Auction, Split the Pot, and much more. Reservations only with prepayment of cash or credit card.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Rat City Rollergirls (with West Seattle members and other ties) play championship bouts at KeyArena, 5:30 pm (more info here)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Devil’s Dance Parade in White Center and live music at Cafe Rozella, starts at 6 pm; more info here
FRIDAY NIGHT: Summer Beat fundraiser for Bahia Street at Youngstown Arts Center (full details here)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at C & P Coffee with “Bobcat Bob,” 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Parents Night Out at Alki Community Center, 6-9 pm (more info here)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Pathfinder K-8 school fundraiser at C & P Coffee: “Ladies’ Night Out” wine and chocolate tasting, 7-11 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Family skating at Alki Community Center: “This weekly event at Alki Community Center is suitable for all ages and all abilities! This is a great time to practice your skills and tricks while experiencing a roller-rink atmosphere. You can always look forward to the Limbo, and friendly racing. If you don’t have your own skates, you can borrow a pair of ours!” 6:45-8:45 pm ($3/person)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Chief Sealth High School spring play, “Thieves Carnival,” 7 p.m. $3 (At the Boren building, 5950 Delridge)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Showcase of New Works at ArtsWest, 7 pm; more info here
FRIDAY NIGHT: Dominoes game night at Red Cup Espresso in The Junction, starting at 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: The Garfield Theatre Dept. (with many students from West Seattle) presents the Tony Award winning Broadway musical, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 7 pm, Quincy Jones Performing Arts Center at Garfield High School, 400 23rd Ave. Tickets at the Door $10 Adult $7 Student/Seniors
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Godspell” at Burien Evangelical Church at 500 SW 146th St, Burien. Free Admission! West Seattle’s own Lucian Smith (Jesus) and Sue Nealson (Joanne) will be performing. 8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor): Monstrous Del Mar, Shane Tutmarc, Star Lake Drownings, starts at 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: The Slags w/opening act, The Kegels. Poggie Tavern, 4717 California SW, 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Gun Outfit and Milk Music at Easy Street After Hours, 9:30 pm (more details here)
SATURDAY: Beach volleyball on Alki
SATURDAY: Second weekend of the season for Colman Pool in Lincoln Park
SATURDAY MORNING: Metro schedule-change day (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING: Seacrest Pier mulching party for Alki Wildlife Habitat Project, 9 am-noon (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING: Schmitz Preserve work party, 9 am-noon (more information here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Rock and Gem Show (WSB sponsor), 10 am-5 pm both days at Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction, free admission and parking. The 43rd Annual West Seattle Rock & Gem show features activities for all ages; beautiful rock & mineral displays, educational exhibits, lapidary demonstrations, silent auction, “Amazing Earth” theater, kid’s activities, excellent vendors, hourly door prizes and a Deli counter. New for this year, there will be a guided rockhounding field-trip leaving Sunday morning. Stop by the show on Saturday and pick up the information sheet for this no-cost excursion. (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING: Free workshop at Keystone Windows and Doors (WSB sponsor), West Seattleite-owned, 2215 4th Ave. So, 10 am-noon (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Longfellow Creek/Thistle Street Greenspace work party, 10 am-2 pm (more info here; City Council candidate Jessie Israel says she is participating)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Delridge Day, Youngstown Arts Center: 11-5 PM – Free! On May 30th Youngstown will present Delridge Day, an annual all-day celebration of our neighborhood and local community, the arts, and an active lifestyle. The day will feature live music and performances, cooking classes, a farmers market, creative workshops, art galleries, movies and more! This day is a way to bring the community together and feature the talents, resources and work that the community does. Delridge Day was such a great success last year and we want to continue to help it grow! (WSB will be there, reporting live and offering youth the chance to post messages on the site – come see us!)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Shibaguyz’s Heirloom Tomato Sale – full details here
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Garden Center open at South Seattle Community College, 11 am-3 pm (more information here)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Gatewood Elementary Family Fun Fair, noon-3 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Puppies and Ice Cream: a discourse on contemporary sublime AWAA group show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Not in West Seattle, but many West Seattleites participating: Health-care rally/march, starts at Pratt Park, 12:30 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Alki UCC marks 100th anniversary, centennial dinner at 6 pm (more here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music with Glen Doggett at C & P Coffee, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Showcase of New Works at ArtsWest, 7 pm; more info here
SATURDAY NIGHT: Chief Sealth High School spring play, “Thieves Carnival,” 7 p.m. $3 (At the Boren building, 5950 Delridge)
SATURDAY NIGHT: The Garfield Theatre Dept. (with many students from West Seattle) presents the Tony Award winning Broadway musical, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 7 pm, Quincy Jones Performing Arts Center at Garfield High School, 400 23rd Ave. Tickets at the Door: $10 Adult $7 Student/Seniors
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Godspell” at Burien Evangelical Church at 500 SW 146th St, Burien. Free Admission! West Seattle’s own Lucian Smith (Jesus) and Sue Nealson (Joanne) will be performing. 8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Two Plus Two Jazz with Denny Foreman
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Milk Maidens Crawl, Venus Verse, Nine N Out, starts at 9 pm
SUNDAY: Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets event closes Alki Ave from Harbor/California Way to Alki/63rd SW, 9 am-5 pm (here’s our archived coverage with info on events and practicalities; here’s the official city infopage) Note: We’ll be updating Friday and Saturday on the main WSB page as events are added; just heard of this one – Bamboo Bar and Grill will be featuring a Live Band, Pig Roast, and several food and drink specials. Raucous Band (pronounced Rock Us) will play from 1:30-5:30 and their first set will feature 2 Alki Idol finalists as singers
SUNDAY: Beach volleyball on Alki
SUNDAY: Second weekend of the season continues for Colman Pool in Lincoln Park
SUNDAY MORNING: West Seattle 5K Run/Walk (WSB sponsor), sponsored by the West Seattle High School PTSA. See www.westseattle5k.com for information about registering or donating to this family-friendly community event for West Seattle schools. 9 am from the bathhouse, in-person registration available earlier.
SUNDAY MORNING: Alki UCC marks 100th anniversary with walk from old location to current location, 9 am (more here)
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Rock and Gem Show (WSB sponsor), 10 am-5 pm at Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction, free admission and parking. The 43rd Annual West Seattle Rock & Gem show features activities for all ages; beautiful rock & mineral displays, educational exhibits, lapidary demonstrations, silent auction, “Amazing Earth” theater, kid’s activities, excellent vendors, hourly door prizes and a Deli counter. New for this year, there will be a guided rockhounding field-trip leaving Sunday morning. Stop by the show on Saturday and pick up the information sheet for this no-cost excursion. (more info here)
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm (remember, it’s year-round!)
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Free yoga at Sound Yoga (WSB sponsor), 11 am (more info here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: May Magic at The Admiral Theater! Join us for a fun-fantasy-filled afternoon with Master Illusionist Phil Crosson as he promises to mystify his audiences with such feats as The Dangerous Dagger Box. What the heck is that? Phil will place his head in a container while six sharp daggers are plunged into the box and his headvirtually vanishes! Now that’s the way to end a headache! Watch as he pulls doves and flowers out of thin air! Nerf balls multiply in the hand of a volunteer and watch as he produces a seemingly endless supply of money out of a child’s ear. In these days of economic strife…that sounds good to us! 1:30 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Skillet Street Food‘s next scheduled appearance in West Seattle, Seattle Lutheran High School lot (41st/Genesee), 11 am-2 pm (menu here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Hong Kong-style Seafood cooking class at PCC West Seattle, 1 pm (registration info here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C and P Coffee with Secondhand Sunday, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Tibbetts United Methodist Church is hosting its Centennial Talent Show & Ice Cream Social on Sunday, May 31st at 3pm. This fun-filled celebration includes a variety of drama, music and more.. and will be held in Adams Hall, entrance by the reader board sign. There’s an ice cream social following the Talent Show featuring fantastic flavors from Husky Deli. We hope you’ll join us!
SUNDAY NIGHT: Kiwanis of West Seattle 80th birthday celebration/fundraiser, South Seattle Community College’s Brockey Center, keynote speaker Nesby Glasgow, 5 pm social hour/6 pm dinner (more here)
SUNDAY NIGHT: Showcase of New Works at ArtsWest, 7 pm; more info here
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music at @ Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Allison Weiss and Sealth, Glenn Bell, The Empty Mirror, starting at 7 pm
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.
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