As noted here earlier in the week, several West Seattle churches are marking momentous anniversaries this year – including centennials. That was the occasion that sent members and leaders of Alki Congregational United Church of Christ on a special pre-service walk this morning: They gathered at Weather Watch Park for a “Centennial Parade” to the nearby site where their church was founded in 1909, at Chilberg and Carroll (map), and then to its current site. In addition to the video above, here’s a photo, with the parade headed by Rev. Diane Darling (carrying the staff) and the church’s longest-term member, Ada Hallberg, who’s been attending Alki UCC since 1941:

(You might have recognized another church attendee in that photo, King County Council Chair Dow Constantine.) When they reached the current church at 61st/Hinds (map), they entered through the sanctuary doors from 1926, on their way into the sanctuary built in 1958 after Rev. Darling discussed history and led song on the steps:
If you noticed that many parishioners were wearing red – that was in honor of this being Pentecost Sunday. Centennial congratulations also go out tonight to Tibbetts United Methodist Church, which continued its 100th birthday celebration with a talent show/ice cream social this afternoon.