“Earth Hour”: 8:30-9:30 tonight

This year, the city is expanding its participation in this event – according to this city news release, a variety of city landmarks and facilities will “go dark” 8:30 to 9:30, including the Space Needle, Pacific Science Center, Municipal Tower, and the neon City Light sign along the Spokane Street Viaduct. King County government also issued a news release, saying its “non-essential facilities” will go dark. The official Earth Hour website has images from what happened during Earth Hour back east, a few hours ago. (If you choose to participate, we’ll miss you — but we hope to see you back here at 9:31.) 9:50 PM UPDATE: We were out and about for Earth Hour – at Denny Middle School to catch video of the student Jazz Ensemble (more on that later) performing, which took till just after 9 pm, so in terms of observing West Seattle participation — we managed to drive north on 35th SW (more houses dark in the residential non-arterial areas north of Fauntleroy) and then on into the Admiral District, where we checked out the mayor’s porch light for the second consecutive Earth Hour: On again this year. Not that he had publicly vowed to go dark – and we don’t even know if he was home, as he was scheduled to help emcee a fundraising event in Fauntleroy earlier in the night – but for symbolism’s sake, we looked.

6 Replies to ""Earth Hour": 8:30-9:30 tonight"

  • man's mind March 28, 2009 (7:52 pm)

    an alternative to consider:


  • Dan March 28, 2009 (8:14 pm)

    Not so much for the Sounders game though. 32,000 people, a stadium LITT up like it’s 1999. Same old same old.

  • AD March 28, 2009 (8:24 pm)

    Powering down in a minute….just hope the pizza guy can still find my house for the delivery. :) Is Starbucks on board this year? I remember they didn’t participate in the past…

  • CountingCoup March 28, 2009 (9:43 pm)

    My block was about 70% dark, a few solar step lights from some of us produced a faint glow. Inside it was candles a bottle of wine and acoustic guitar. That was fun, too bad this isn’t a weekly event, 52 hours a year of lights out would do us a world of good :-)

  • Krystal March 29, 2009 (11:11 am)

    Is that first link a joke? It’s pretty funny, anyhow.
    After last year, my boyfriend and I tried to make it a weekly thing in our home. It lasted about a month, and we didn’t make it a habit. Trying again this year, hope writing in on the calendar will help us to form the habit!

  • WSHC March 29, 2009 (1:36 pm)

    Shame on the Earth Hour folks for scheduling this the same time as the Sounders FC match!
    I watched the ‘highlights’ of the lights-off ceremonies around the world. Everything looked dark, uninviting, and a bit scary. Hold on tight to your wallets & purses in future lights-off events.

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