We were just in The Junction at Hope Lutheran Church/School working on a followup to this weekend’s announcement of a joint operating agreement between Hope and neighboring Seattle Lutheran High School (more on that later), as well as touring Hope’s almost-finished expansion work, and happened onto this group in the church basement, assembling about 150 Easter baskets. Hope’s Human Care Ministries leader Mary Anne DeVry explained that they go to local seniors and also to new local arrivals including immigrant families working with a Lutheran program assisting refugees. The baskets contain treats and a few practical-but-fun items too, from scarves to stuffed animals. Mary Anne says the project started about a decade ago when someone offered the church a carload of discarded, empty Easter baskets and said “can you do something with them?” The answer – “we’ll figure something out.” Now, it’s a tradition. (Reminder, as mentioned yesterday, we’re collecting info now from all over West Seattle for our Easter services/brunch/egg hunts lists – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!)