PANCAKES: Till 10:30 am, Fauntleroy Church (map), fresh-cooked breakfast (including pancakes, ham, orange juice, milk), to support the annual Fauntleroy Fall Festival. (In the photo above, helper Jason Chase is adding some special touches, including M&Ms, to a pancake or two.)

(photo added 11:29 am)
CAR WASH: Till 3 pm, the Chief Sealth and West Seattle High School swim teams are joining forces for a fundraising car wash at WSHS (map). Perfect weather to go get the dust washed off!

(Seacrest cleanup photo added 11:30 am)
PICKUP: Two special cleanup events this morning: At Seacrest (map), 9-noon, to help the park qualify as official Backyard Wildlife Habitat; also, meet at Delridge Community Center or Chief Sealth High School (map) at 9:45 to join in a double-teamed Adopt-a-Street cleanup along Delridge, from Orchard to Andover, with the North Delridge Neighborhood Council and Chief Sealth PTSA (photo added 11:32 am, after we caught up with some of the crew):

Lots more happening – check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
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