Comments on: West Seattle school-closure fight: Citywide meeting tonight West Seattle news, 24/7 Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:52:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: westello Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:52:16 +0000 I read the Cooper page and find it compelling (although the district is not going to wait around on promises of more enrollment to come from any development). They sound like a fine school.

But kids, you (and Cooper) are missing the main tenet of this round of closures – it’s about building condition and little else.

I’ll repeat what I said elsewhere about what I believe is the district’s view in this case: Pathfinder’s program is more valuable to the district than Cooper’s program. Pathfinder is in a terrible building (and have been for a very long time), Cooper is in a newish building that they do not fill and so the district is willing to give up Cooper’s program for Pathfinder’s.

They do make the mistake of trying to finding some favor for whites and/or wealthier communities. That argument has never won favor before with either the district or the Board (and, in fact, seems to irritate Board members). I think it does more harm than good to use it especially when there is no proof. The fact that they haul Lowell into their argument when Lowell has absolutely nothing to do with their school or the possible loss of its building says something.

By: brittany Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:56:42 +0000 if you are so moved, please send these facts on to the school board members and superintendent! all of the relevant addresses and email addresses are available on the website. it only takes a minute to reach out to the school board, and as we’ve seen from recent decisions, public opinion does count.

By: kindymom Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:39:06 +0000 The Cooper website makes a *very* strong case for them, I hope it gets the attention is deserves. The WASL score comparison with Arbor Heights is particularly compelling.
