Non-weather news: Fauntleroy “rechannelization” Q & A up

Just discovered, while looking for snow/ice info on the SDOT website, that the department has posted the promised “Q & A” following up on the December 1st “open house” regarding the proposal to reconfigure – “rechannelize” — Fauntleroy Way between Alaska and California. Among other things, the city maintains that the changes would not add more than a minute to travel time along that stretch, and explains why this is considered to be different from the proposal that Morgan Junction community members voted down a decade ago. Read it all here.

4 Replies to "Non-weather news: Fauntleroy "rechannelization" Q & A up"

  • annon December 14, 2008 (6:25 am)

    Seems to me that the cyclist lane is very precarious! Why in the world would the road designers plan to have bikes surrounded by cars?

  • mar3c December 14, 2008 (7:52 am)

    that’s a parking lane against the curb, not a travel lane.

  • PSPS December 14, 2008 (8:51 am)

    That’s pretty funny. Both “reduces speed” and “maintains current capacity.” Whoever dreamed this up should have stayed with their true life’s calling — “Do you want fries with that?”
    You’d think a city the size of Seattle would be able to hire people who have some actual position-related expertise. I wonder if the “genius” who dreamed this up is somehow related to the mayor or a council member.

  • LPeters December 31, 2008 (9:50 pm)

    I’m on the block south of Findlay and love this proposal. There is seldom enough traffic to warrant four lanes, even during commute hours. And cyclists really do get squeezed currently. More benefits in the long run. Not thrilled about the short run (smell, parking, noise), but hey, we all make some sacrifices for the long term good, right.

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