Why did the chicken cross the road @ the new crosswalk?

No punchy answer, just the facts: The Feet First chicken greeted the Fast Feet Fridays walking-to-school contingent — including a guest appearance by West Seattle’s school board member Steve Sundquist (he’s in the blue jacket telling the chicken “good morning”) — at 34th/Morgan in High Point, where the long-sought crosswalk was just painted two days ago. (Also in the video, you see Leah the crossing guard, who was nearly hit by a car while we were covering this dangerous crossing spot a few months ago.) This is part of Walk to School Month and Feet First’s ongoing Safe Routes to School campaign; it’ll feature special events like this every Friday this month on the route to West Seattle Elementary. This group walked from 31st/Graham; another group started at Hughes Playground at 29th/Holden, and “a Sunrise Heights neighbor” sent us this photo from that site (thanks!):


2 Replies to "Why did the chicken cross the road @ the new crosswalk?"

  • Geoff and Maureen May 3, 2008 (5:36 am)

    We’ll see you in July… Love from Boston. We’re now convinced Chloe D is going to wind up in CA!


    DAD and Mom

  • helga fortmeyer May 9, 2008 (9:45 am)

    who is that adorable crossing guard in the bright orange jersey?

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