(2007 parade photo courtesy Rhonda Porter from The Mortgage Porter)
As first mentioned last month, the official West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival schedule is out, including the American Legion Grand Parade on July 19. The parade is part of the reason we started WSB – as a way to get the word out frequently, repeatedly, and in real-time, about West Seattle events, needs, celebrations, people, and we love it to bits (see last year’s photo coverage here). Even in a time of dramatic change in the way West Seattle looks — taking care of traditions like Hi-Yu is a way to preserve and nurture some of the small-town feel that so many people are so worried about losing. That said, here’s what’s up: First, the parade needs convertibles. The Huling/Gee dealership provided them in the past. Now, of course, that’s all gone. Second, the parade needs financial backing for bands that can’t all cover their own expenses any more. Read ahead for full details on both, and the simple steps the Parade Committee hopes you can take to help:
Here’s the official pitch from parade coordinators Dave Vague and Jim Edwards:
Have you ever wanted to be in a parade?
The 75th Annual West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade needs your help! The parade this year will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2008 starting at 11 a.m.
1. Do you own a convertible?
For the past 74 years of the parade we have had Huling Bros/Gee or other retailers who have made convertibles available to the parade to drive down the parade route with a dignitary or princess in their back seat. With the local dealership closed, we are in need of finding some cars for the parade.Do you have a convertible and would be available to drive it during the parade? If so, send an e-mail with the following information:
Phone Number
Make/Model/Year of your car
How’s your driving record at 5 mph?Send to: Dave Vague, parade coordinator at vagued@comcast.net
Note: vehicle and driver must be licensed and insured. The vehicle must be capable of slow or stop and go speeds for an extended period of time, without overheating.
2. Would you like to sponsor a band?
We have been blessed over the years with some wonderful marching bands – like those from Kennedy High School and the Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band. However, more and more pipe and bugle, bagpipe, and alumni bands won’t appear without a financial incentive. We think most bands are looking for a $300 – $500 donation to appear so we are asking for your help in obtaining more bands to appear in our community parade. If you think you can help out please contact:
Jim Edwards, parade coordinator at wsbigband@ureach.com
Dave Vague, parade coordinator at vagued@comcast.net or 206-932-2066
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