2 notes from California & Graham


First one has to do with the doomed building shown above (future home of a 3-story commercial building plus townhouses), which, as we first wrote in April, we have a soft spot for. Big green signs in its window today announce a “moving sale” this weekend for the martial-arts studio that’s been the storefront’s most recent tenant; we found more about the sale online.

Second note: Across the street and to the south from the aforementioned moving sale, the city seems to still be having trouble getting the ex-Chuck and Sally’s Tavern to comply with the rules regarding not using the property as a parking lot; this page says it’s failed two inspections and now is under a warning to comply by 11/30, or else.

4 Replies to "2 notes from California & Graham"

  • add November 16, 2007 (5:06 pm)

    I always liked that corner building as well – when we first moved here (almost 10 years ago) there was a little deli/cafe there. I hope whatever goes in looks nice and has some nice retail/restaurant attached!

  • Cy November 16, 2007 (8:09 pm)

    Can someone tell me where the martial arts studio is going to? I’ve always wanted to know more about them (website?) and possibly join up. Someone drop me a line if you know. Thanks!

  • seacat November 17, 2007 (10:45 am)

    I really like that building as well, although I don’t think it’s been used as well as it could. We just bought a house on Juneau off California and have converted to therapy offices–we love the hood but some of the buildings are looking a little tired. Love the piping on this building–the accents on the curves. It will be fun to see what happenes and agree with the comment above: good deli/restaurant would sure be welcome!!!

  • moe November 17, 2007 (11:23 am)

    Bought our first house off of Graham. This building was a meat market then, with a neon pig on the roof. Use to tell people to turn at the “flashing pig”.

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