Tomorrow’s not just Halloween …

ercolinisign.jpg… it’s also the fundraising deadline for Friends of Ercolini Park, to help them qualify for city matching funds in their work to create a park for the growing residential neighborhoods west of The Junction. (The land has been set aside — but now it’s time to start putting in the features that will transform it into a park.) The group says work should be starting within a few weeks, and they expect to have “a park to play in by spring!” Read more about the project on the city’s page about it, and to help Friends of Ercolini Park get across the $ finish line, use the “donate” link on the group’s website. (Also coming up, this blog post from an Ercolini relative reminds us, is the deadline for the city to accept name suggestions, though as that writer notes, it’s hard to imagine it could end up being named anything else.)

2 Replies to "Tomorrow's not just Halloween ..."

  • Fiona October 30, 2007 (2:02 pm)

    Does anyone know, have they met their goal for the matching funds?

  • Bill Barna October 30, 2007 (3:08 pm)

    The matching funds are close to goal but we can use a few hundred $$$ more (I don’t have access to the exact total right now). Enough was raised to begin the project, if we run out of money we will just have fewer features in the park (landscaping, equipment, etc.). In turn, if we exceeded goal that money would be put directly into adding features. So if anyone out there hesitant to contribute rest assured your funds will go to making the park better!

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