Anybody else feel like the storm, the resulting outage/damage/whatever happened at your place, and the ensuing uncertainty all took a bite out of the pre-holiday runup? By the time we finally got a chance to do a little shopping last night, the stuff our favorite gift recipients really wanted was gone. Sigh. And maybe today we’ll finally get the Christmas lights up. Not too many, don’t want to overload the grid. Speaking of which … City Light’s morning update says it’s down to 1,400 customers, and if you’re one of them, don’t assume they know you’re out, give them a call to be sure … 684-7400. P.S. When this is all over, it’s really going to be worth celebrating New Year’s, we think. So we’ve been collecting info on NY’s Eve events on our Holiday Stuff page, with several new additions last night; check it out.
West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday