Dig it

One more big event this weekend, besides Summer Fest (see below): Garden Tour!

I am sorry to say that the WS Blog World HQ failed to make the cut once again this year. Our gardening style can be described in one word: Overgrown. We’ve planted so much in our decade-plus on our little lot, we’re out of space. If you check the aerial photo of our house from one of those Google Earth-type programs, it’s a whole lot of greenery and a little spot of roof. So we might have to take the tour, just to see what an actual “garden” is supposed to look like.

1 Reply to "Dig it"

  • Keri July 15, 2006 (9:47 pm)

    Thanks for mentioning the garden tour! As chairperson, I’m definitely biased, but we have an AMAZING group of gardens and beneficiaries this year. Fortunately for me, one doesn’t have to BE a gardener to be a part of the tour! We hope to see everyone on Sunday!

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