The Donald Trump phenomenon – opinions?

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    this is all I have to say about about bernie, trumb and the rest of them…….lol




    Even if half those things are true of both Hitler and Trump (they are not) the key one is this:

    “Hitler was also able to get the press to reveal him in only a positive light. Getting citizens to admire him for his wealth and prosperity, benefiting off a newly founded celebrity culture.”

    The press (conservative and liberal) cannot stand him and are trying to get him at every turn.



    Smitty, Au contraire. The press adores Trump because he pulls in viewers. I think it’s incredible that his press conferences and speeches are being aired routinely by een the likes of MSNBC. I think think it’a all about ratings/viewers and right now a lot of public is fascinated with him. It’s probably also true that many are simply interested to see if and when he makes a spectacular fail. But I don’t think the press is trying to “get him.”



    I agree they love the ratings he brings, but they are certainly not “reveal(ing) him in only a positive light”, give me a break. Two completely different things.



    ok…so you know…I’m only the messenger for that article…:). I have my own opinion about dear Mr. Trump.

    MSNBC? They’re getting closer and closer to the fright wing as we speak…lol




    Trump’s airtime is more than Bernie gets and he is drawing larger crowds…

    of course he talks of substance.. not entertaining trash



    I think this just about sums it up:

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

    Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    Requires excessive admiration

    Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

    Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

    Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    Is unable to take ANY criticism. When criticized, will rage against the “attacker”.

    And always very charming. Very. This guy is a snake with a very charming personality. Beware.



    With Trump’s bankruptcy skills, he is probably best qualified to handle the certain economic mess that the Obama administration is leaving to the next several generations.

    However, I suspect Trump is in the early race for publicity and to draw fire away from other conservative candidates that would otherwise be slaughtered by the leftist media. Same goes for the Hilary ruse to draw away scrutiny of failed communist Bernie Sanders. Hillary is too tainted by blatant corruption and incompetence to win enough votes no matter what she promises to give away to the entitled classes.

    My foggy crystal ball currently says Trump will probably pass the baton to Carson or Fiorina and end up being a cabinet member to help cram down the debt and free the economy so more people can go back to work. (I think Trump’s end game is protecting his net worth which is linked to the success of the US economy). It’s the idle 38% of the workforce that will probably swing the election away from the socialists. With nearly 50% youth unemployment, I don’t think there is going to be enough low-information voters to cary Democrats in this election.

    Escondido: I am sorry to say, but what you have posted is a perfect description of president Obama. I say this because there are far more credible sources on the internet that describe Obama with your list of traits than Trump.



    Captain dave

    “With Trump’s bankruptcy skills, he is probably best qualified to handle the certain economic mess that the Obama administration is leaving to the next several generations.”

    i am sorry, but you lost me.

    You state that a man who repeatedly files bankruptcy has the skills to clean up what you call Obama’s economic mess?

    Have you thought this through?

    are you suggesting we bankrupt America?

    Trump didn’t cram down his debt by paying it off..

    he walked away from it and left someone else to pick up the tab.

    who exactly do you think will pick up that tab here? The middle class is already tapped out.



    I must have missed the part where Obama is singlehandedly responsible for the national debt.

    Never mind that Congress sets the budget. But hey let’s make it a partisan issue.



    JoB: What is there not to understand? The US government is already massively insolvent according to the CBO. We are well past the point of no return thanks to all the reckless entitlement programs and stifling regulations inspired by Obama. There is no way to avoid a severe downgrade in the standard of living you now enjoy. The next president will be forced to make some very tough and unpopular decisions to sort out which creditors get paid. The fundamentals of bankruptcy are the same whether it is an individual or country. Everybody but the ultra-elite will suffer from the drunken stupidity of leftist ideology.



    maplesyrup: Ultimately, “we the people” are responsible for this economic mess because we allowed it to happen by blindly electing unscrupulous, self-serving scumbags into office on both sides of the isle.



    If that’s the case Dave, why are you blaming Obama?



    Part of me wanted to take the time dissemble the fallacious “argument” that CDave just posted. But I think I’ll just shake my head and mumble incoherently instead. It will have the same impact and save my time.



    wake, I’m with you…..sometimes I’m simply at a loss for words..

    there are attitudes of people in this world that are truly scary…and they are so easily hoodwinked :(



    Sorry guys. I should have spelled it out. “CBO” stands for “Congressional Budget Office”. They are a non-partisan government agency. They are the head bean counters for the government who have the magic ability to measure and forecast the economic effect of legislative and policy decisions. Think of it as a viewport to where the rubber meets the road with regard to assessing the actual performance of socialist ideology. This is why you seldom hear talk of the CBO in mainstream media because a lot of people don’t want to know the harsh reality. What is scary is the attitude that everything is just rosy until its not.



    Wake the incoherent mumbling (or perhaps it’s more like ranting) is coming from another source on this thread.

    Capt. Dave, the CBO is routinely cited when there is a discussion in the media about the long term financial picture for Medicare, for Social Security and for the impact of the ACA on the federal budget.

    I’m sure you aware that last January the House GOP changed the accounting methodology the CBO uses to assess the impact of tax and entitlement legislation, but not other government funding proposals, in order to lessen objections to their unrealistic assumptions about the positive impact of tax cuts. There was plenty of talk about that in the media.

    The CBO does not assert we are “past the point of no return.” You are confusing your emotional reaction to our admittedly difficult economic position with facts. Our budget and deficit could be dramatically improved with a reasonable tax policy.

    Bernie Sanders isn’t a failed communist. He was never a communist. He’s a socialist and he’s had a successful career from the time he was first a municipal mayor.

    I do agree with you on one thing, your crystal ball is indeed foggy.



    Really? You don’t think we know who CBO is??

    What you’re not taking into account is the fact that what you desperately want to call “entitlements” aren’t the main issue. The issues are: We’re spending $500+B/yr. on the military and another few hundred B/yr. on corporate welfare and tax cuts, and we aren’t investing in ourselves.

    The way you get out of debt as a NATION is to grow your economy. You do that by investing in your people and your infrastructure. We do neither anymore.

    The debt number isn’t scary as a percentage of GDP if you’re doing the right things.



    Based on other stuff I read here, I thought CBO might stand for Caused By Obama.

    Thanks for the explanation Dave!




    at least that’s a definition that makes sense of Captain Dave’s argument ;-)



    Captain Dave

    i like you. I really do. We spent a most enjoyable afternoon on your boat doing a tour of the Dwamish and we share a love of local history and a belief in alternative economies…

    i don’t think you are crazy.

    But i do think you have failed to think things through if you think bankruptcy for the US is a viable economic answer.



    and in the latest sideshow:

    ‘”Look at [Carly Fiorina’s] face! Would anyone vote for that?” Trump said to Solotaroff. “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president.”

    ‘Trump added, “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”‘

    Can you see him saying that to German Chancellor Angela Merkel?




    Was Trump actually capable of seeing the meanness in that face?

    no. probably not



    JoB, perhaps it’s simply a projection on Trump’s part, drawing on the notion that what we see as unlikable in others is often a reflection of our own qualities we prefer to ignore. But that probably breaks down when one realizes Trump delights in his mean streak.

    Otherwise, they both share a strikingly similar range of expression, from smugness to snarling contempt. It’s a bit unnerving to reflect on how strongly that resonates with much of the electorate.

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