State Spending

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    Between the 1999-2001 biennium and 2011-2013 the State Budget has grown about 1.7 times about $45 billion to ~$75 billion. State spending on Education THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTION has lagged growing about 1.6 times.

    State spending on Health Care on the other hand has grown an outrageous 17 times and has come at the expense of funding the MOST IMPORTANT STATE FUNCTION THAT IS EDUCATION.

    The data is available at the following link:

    It is clear that the State needs to increase funding for EDUCATION. Health care spending has grown way disproportionate (17 times growth) to other state spending and thus is the place to look to cut.




    your either or propositions are self limiting.

    spending for health care has grown because people have lost the jobs that are the way America is delivering health care.

    the system works reasonably well when employment is high..

    not so well when employment is low

    or when an employee gets sick enough to lose their job

    which could also be said for the state funding that is dependent upon an individual’s ability to spend.

    isn’t it time you looked for cost cutting measure that don’t leave individuals without basic food, shelter, health care and education?

    and advocated spending on programs that put people back to work so they didn’t have to rely on the state for health care?



    JoB – i have advocated for infrastructure spending. AND I am advocating for EDUCATION. It is absolutely obscene why State spending has grown 17 x’s on Health Care and Spending on EDUCATION (that is the most important State function) has not even kept pace with the growth in the State budget. 17 x’s growth is flat out not reasonable and has come at the expense of everything else!

    A program that has grown at a rate of 17 x’s is clearly a program that needs to be cut!




    it’s obscene that so many people can’t access their healthcare through their employment

    either working a part time schedule so their employer doesn’t have to pay the most basic benefits

    or unemployed without access to healthcare

    cutting the program won’t change the need

    in fact.. the current need is bigger than the current program



    btw hoop

    this is what happens when we advocate for a corporations bottom line

    and not for the people employed by them

    you don’t like the size of the program?

    stop supporting corporations that push their costs off to the public

    either by outsourcing

    or employing only temporary workers

    or employing workers part time to avoid paying benefits.



    I can’t believe the nerve of any intelligent person who argues the need to provide adequate funding for schools. Hoop is right , this shoudlo be taken care of, maybe at the risk of less money for other causes.



    Health care spending goes up because we don’t regulate the drug/device/etc. cost because our legislators are in their pockets. Their PR machines, which we pay for, do a great job of diverting our attention from that to “poor doctors” and “fat sick people” and “poor poor people.” Bite the bullets (different discussion), curb the gouging, and then worry about the rest of the cost issues. I suspect you’ll be surprised how much they are the result of good ole unfettered capitalism.

    Over and out…



    Hoop, thank you for providing back-up data. I am impressed.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to live in an either/or world? I am pretty sure that educational outcomes will plummet if we kick all poor kids off basic health, but I don’t know, that is just the complicated reality I live in.



    in 1980 the population of washington ( was about 4.1 million in 2010 it was 6.7 million. interpolating the population in 2000 was about 5.4 million; the chart indicates a bit more population. From the chart about 5.8 million in 2000 and 6.8 million in 2012. A growth of 17% (6.8/5.8)

    the CPI factor a $1 in 2000 buys what a $1.34 does in 2012 (refn. Inflation Price Calculator).

    Thus accounting for population and inflation the State spending to remain at 2000 levels should have increased by a factor of about 1.6 (1.57 (1.34 x 1.17)). Actual state operating expenditures increased by a factor of about 1.7 (1.68 (74.7/44.5 million $’s).

    State spending has increased faster than population and income by about 6%.

    During this time period spending on public schools has not kept pace with the general increase in State spending that is 1.7 times more in 2012 than in 2000. Public School spending has increased only about 1.5 times (16.4/10.7). Higher Education spending about 1.6 times (11.7/7.3).

    If public education spending simply kept pace with increased government spending 1.7 times the State should be spending about $18.2 billion on k-12. (10.7 million x 1.7) the 2011-2013 budget is $16.4 billion that is $1.8 billion less. Same exercise for higher education shows the 2011-2013 budget at about 0.7 billion dollars less than it should be.

    Combined education spending is $2.5 billion less than it should be based on simply keeping pace with the growth in State spending.

    In reviewing State spending data there has been an explosive growth in health care spending from about 0.6 billion in 2000 to $10.2 billion in the 2011-13 biennium that is a growth rate that is 10 times the basic growth factor of 1.7. No other state expenditure increase is even remotely close to this amount.

    As my data shows Education funding is ~$2.5 billion dollars short of keeping pace with the general state revenue expenditure increase. Education is the foundation for tomorrows economy and well being of the State citizens and MUST BE FUNDED FIRST before any other government spending.

    Shifting $2.5 billion of spending from health care to schools would leave $8.7 billion dollars for health care spending (10.2 – 2.5 billion) that is still 14.5 times the amount spent in 2000.

    The data shows that even factoring for population and income State revenues have increased faster by about 6%; yet State spending on Education has not kept pace and is short $2.5 billion dollars. The State’s spending on Health care spending has grown at a rate 10 times faster than State spending in general and has adversely effected Education spending and other State functions.

    Education is a higher priority than Health care and shifting $2.5 billion from Health care spending to Education is flat out appropriate. This still leaves Health care spending at $8.7 billion dollars that if properly expended on preventative care (shots, immunizations et al) is sufficient.



    JoB I provided the data that clearly shows State spending has increased accounting for inflation and population growth.

    State spending on Health Care (to my knowledge no where in the State Constitution is this a State requirement) has crowded out all other State Spending. Education is the foremost State responsibility that the State has failed to adequately fund as I have demonstrated. The reason for the education funding shortage is because of the States exorbitant growth in spending on Health Care that is so far out pacing all other State spending it is absolutely incredulous.

    JoB – where is your response when the data is clearly provided?

    Personally I believe it is the responsibility of people to buy insurance for the unforeseen and if you do not purchase insurance and you need a service tough luck! The service needs to be denied unless you can prove you can pay for it.




    Do you really think calling me out increases the validity of your argument?

    I pointed out that you would be better served looking at the causes for the increased need for state subsidized medical care and you respond with more proof of the need and think you have made an argument?

    I don’t think so.

    Do you know what was missing from your stats hoop? The number of people who still need medical care but were cut from the program last year and the increased spend down.. that’s expenses paid out of pocket.. for those who still qualify.

    Cutting the budget for medical care in this state isn’t the answer. Changing the way medical care is delivered so that the individual cost is lowered and coverage for all increased is.

    Even you would benefit from that.



    I do not disagree that the delivery of medical care needs fixing that would lower medical insurance premiums for all.

    No where in the constitution is the State paying for medical care noted and eliminating state payment for medical care for adults who choose not to buy insurance is an option.

    The $8.7 billion dollars provided after Education Spending (the States most important job!) is fully funded (as compared to 2000 spending levels and growth in State spending) is a substantial amount of money. If the State was smart the money would be used for only cost effective preventative procedures and not pay for high cost low outcome procedures.

    The $8.7 billion is a substantial sum of money that is 14.5 times what was spent in 2000.



    JoB – I have shown State spending on education is short $2.5 billion dollars and and identified a logical location in the State budget to reclaim this funding. Education is priority number one; if you have a better DOABLE option to find the $2.5 billion let me know?



    The #1 priority needs to be CAPITALIZATION CONTROL!

    What kind of state is this, when just anyone can SPEND VALUABLE CAPITALS without civilian oversight or auditing? We need one of those CAPITAL MANAGEMENT firms to take over and stop the waste!



    JKB – please provide an example; back up data. I have been told to provide back up that I have clearly provided on this matter.



    para 2.1.1, bullet point 16.



    My solution is to implement a state income tax.



    How about a voluntary state income tax, together with gift cards valid against the sales tax? For every $1 paid in income tax, you get $1 on your sales-tax card. The point of course is to make the payments deductible on federal taxes.



    WorldCitizen – the voters have soundly rejected an income tax. The State has failed to maintain education spending at the level it was in 2000; by my analysis $2.5 billion dollars short. This funding needs to be provided for in the next biennium! This is the States number one mandate and must be done. The future well being depends on an educated population/work force.

    I have identified a program that has grown far disproportionate to all other State programs that could be cut to provide the $2.5 billion short fall. I have requested people to provide an alternative option that is doable. WorldCitizen identified an income tax but this option fails the “doable” requirement. I am still waiting for a better alternative than the one I have identified?




    For those who still qualify for state medical it’s not a program… it’s the difference between life and death



    the State has failed to fully fund Education; by my calculations by $2.5 billion dollars. This funding needs to happen first. Education is Priority #1.

    i made a suggestion on how to fund it and still await a doable alternative option.




    i still have not heard a better option to fully fund education that is the States #1 priority.



    In YOUR opinion it’s the state ‘s #1 priority – let ‘s make that clear…



    my understanding is that its written into the State Constitution to be the top priority.

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