Reasons to vote Republican – youtube video

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    hahaha…thanks for a good laugh, ken….just sent address on to my repub son and liberal daughter in anchorage…hahaha



    This is directed at the handful of you out there that can understand this video. If you haven’t listened to Mr. Prager, you should start. I don’t subscribe to 100% of everything he says all the time, but he hits the nail on the head here:

    Let me know what you think.



    House, I’m disappointed. I rarely agree with your methods, but I can usually count on you to provoke thought, or at least a lively controversial debate.

    This video is nothing more than a bad sermon. I expected to see him thumping a bible. So much religious subtext it was hard for me to sit through it. Same tired song. Only conservatives want to do anything about the EVIL in the world. Liberals hate people who hate EVIL, but could care less about EVIL itself.

    So we just want a free for all for terrorists? Is that the opinion? What a simplified, incorrect, extreme over generalization. I’m surprised you buy into this or him in general when he’s coming from such a religious conservative point of view.



    Granted, Dennis Prager is an expert on religious rhetoric but I disagree with your statement above that he’s thumping a bible on this one and your statement about liberals.

    Liberals don’t hate people that hate evil…..liberals believe that anyone that disagrees with them have hatred towards them.



    Fight evil…don’t vote republican.



    Ken, loved the Republican video.

    House, you express hate toward liberals and you know it. The right in general can be incredibly cruel and nasty to people on the left. Limbaugh, Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage…purveyors of hate, all of them.

    But the tide is turning,I think. America is starting to see the neo-cons have little to offer other than fear and hate.



    Prager is still a little bitter because his buddy, Abramaoff, got caught. Before that, they made a lovely team.



    Thanks for the small dose of Prager House.

    For those who can stand “teh stupid” in larger doses and mixed with denied racism and every canard of the wingnuts since the attempted fascist coup in 1933, here is the source of concentrated Prager. Be sure to wash your hands afterward.



    Kayleigh, your post is completely incorrect and a great example of my statement” ….liberals believe that anyone that disagrees with them have hatred towards them”.

    I have much more important things to do with my life besides sit around and “hate” people on this blog. I completely disagree with many of you and think that your reasoning is severely flawed BUT I DON’T hate you.

    There is one exception….when you start calling me a racist and homophobic with absolutely no proof to base the accusations on, it makes it kind of hard to like you (not talking about you Kayleigh).

    Ken, I stated above that I don’t agree with Prager 100% of the time. He still can articulate the implications of leftist thought better than anyone else I’ve ever heard.




    “This is directed at the handful of you out there that can understand this video.”

    This implies that only people who agree with you and Prager have valid points of view, or are smart enough to “understand.” Also, there’s nothing in anyone’s opinion that’s correct or incorrect. Facts are correct or incorrect. Opinions are supported with facts (or not) but can’t be factually incorrect.

    I understand Prager perfectly; I just disagree with him most of the time. He doesn’t see leftist the way I see us; he has his interpreation of us, which is through a very conservative/religious lens. That lens isn’t the “correct” one to see the world. It’s one of many.

    You can’t get more hateful than Michael Savage. You really can’t. Either the right wing blowhards in the public eye hate liberals (or they hate “fill in the blank with the Demon of the Day”), or they do a good impersonation of it.



    Re the Prager video: I love how all of the sudden the Conservative intellectuals have discovered humanitarianism. “Why, if we leave, it would be genocide”. This ignores the fact that genocide, or as the white house calls it, sectarian violence, is already happening, ethnic cleansing has already happened, torture is still happening, whether we’re there or not. Things have been going so bad there, they could not possibly get any worse with us leaving. The noble thing to do would be for us to leave, because at least then it won’t be done under our name. Also, shouting something does not make it more true.

    Re the “I’m voting Republican” parody ad, that’s the exact kind of snobbish condescension that makes it hard for people to switch to the dems. Why, no self-respecting dem would be caught dead shopping at a big-box retail store! Good luck broadening your coalition with that.



    I shop at big box retail stores. I choose Costco instead of Walmart since so far the founders of Costco have ignored the WSJ editorial pages condemnation of them for paying a living wage, holding markup to a specific percentage, and paying their vendors and suppliers on time.

    Snobbish condescension? I would be interested in your reasoning for that term.

    Sure I might show a bit of snobbish condescension but the parody is satire and as such uses the “over the top” method of illustrating the absurdity of similar statements we see from the right every day.

    An example is the Scalia dissent from the supremes yesterday where he uses the “security theater” at airports and the barricades around the capitol building as proof that fear of terrorism is scary enough to suspend the writ of habeas corpus that has been a fundamental part of the rule of law since long before the revolutionary war.

    BTW: others may disagree but I am not really interested in broadening “my” coalition to include more blue dogs and indies.




    I have no problem with the video if the point is to preach to the choir, but for someone who has wandered into the church and chosen the pew close to the exit, it’s a bit of a turn-off.

    If you visit the Walmart in downtown Renton, the people shopping there are not exactly the face of the Republican party. A lot of these people are just scraping by, and to brush them off without trying to understand them, as this video does, is a big mistake. A lot of the points made in the video are good ones, I just wish they could do it without being so smug about it.



    I agree with you Ken.

    If you keep to your message and stead fast to your principles in what you believe, I feel at some point people become more informative and eventually the tide will turn. Sometimes it may take longer than we hope for, but it always comes around.

    It seems the right neo-cons always seem to attack someone personally than discuss the meat of a particular subject (Scott McLellan,Scott Ritter,Dick Clark to name a few)

    It’s always easy to re-direct the topics at hand and start picking apart someones credibility than address the facts of so called whistleblowers.



    House, I’m glad you don’t think liberals hate people who hate evil, but I sat through the whole ten minutes of Prager, and that’s what he said. Over and over again. Conservatives hate evil, liberals hate people who hate evil. He said all we care about is our carbon footprint and could give a rats ass about the real threat of the world…terrorism.

    I think there are liberals who have gone over the top with their religion of *green*. I don’t know of any, however, who feel the issue of terrorism should be ignored.

    I think that is a myth perpetuated by politicians who want republicans to be viewed as the only party that can protect us.

    And if any one feels like they are hated by those who disagree, that’s just plain insecurity, and neither party is exempt from that.



    ok. Lets talk walmart for a few. Many of you don’t travel much and when you do, are not likely to travel to the rural south.

    From VA to FL, NC to Iowa is a vast area where small towns with boarded up main streets where the few remaining service businesses not undercut and run out of business by walmart, hold on. The tractor dealer and the feed store are ok (so far), but the dime stores, dept stores, clothing stores, gun shops, sporting goods stores are history.

    Many of them are barely hanging on to grocery stores. Many in really rural areas have already lost their family owned local stores. The 20 to 30

    mile drive to the nearest walmart is now starting to hurt seriously.

    Walmart is expanding its grocery stores now to western states.

    In Renton shoppers still have several choices and those who are on the edge financially should make choices based on what is best for them.

    In many rural and semi rural areas there are no other choices anymore. In suburban areas and even some smaller cities, local stores are long gone and every shopping trip means going to Walmart whether you want to or not.

    We in diverse areas and the several cities which have blocked Walmarts expansions, have a choice and I choose never to darken their door.

    Your mileage may vary.



    So Ken, you’re saying that your against Capitalism? Wal-Mart sucks and I can’t stand stepping foot in them, but they have every right in the world to conduct business. You and I feel the same way towards Wal-Mart and let our dollars do the talking.

    I am from the South and can attest to the fact that Wal-Mart has made an impact on many Southern towns, but there are alternatives (Dollar General, Kroger, Piggly Wiggly, etc) that cater to thrifty consumer.

    Also keep in mind that there are many people out there that swear by Wal-Mart and love their products.




    putting your money where your mouth is isn’t some form of elite snobbery.. it’s integrity..

    i too choose Costco over Sam’s Club for the same reasons Ken enumerated.. that doesn’t make me a snob, it makes me a conscious consumer.

    if i expected everyone else to put their money where their mouth is.. whether they could afford it or not.. that would be snobbery.

    speaking of which.. i believe the right engages in snobbery of the worst sort every day.. they expect all of us to put our money where their mouth is and then call us names if we don’t agree.

    Liberals are not soft on terrorism.. they just have this quaint idea that we should have been fighting terrorists after 911.. not invading Iraq.

    They have another quaint idea which supposes that evidence should come before name calling.. and that name calling alone isn’t evidence.

    quaint ideas, i know. especially in our current sound bite culture… but ideas i put my money behind every day…

    just like i choose to shop locally and spend my money at businesses who treat both their employees and customers well.

    funny.. there was time when that was just considered good business…



    JoB, Where the hell did I bring up elite snobbery or call you names? Perhaps you’re debating with your second or third personality?




    you aren’t the only conservative i know…

    and i actually listened to the Prager video out of respect for you… and he is pretty big on name calling… i mistakenly thought sooner or later the guy would have a point i could discuss with you…

    if he did. i didn’t hear it.

    of course.. i guess you could call what he does labeling.. but that kind of labeling without evidence is just elevated name calling…

    our president is really good at it: evil.. axis of evil.. muslim terrorists… etc… that one could be a really long thread.

    unfortunately.. the evidence supporting his claims seems more often than not to be fabricated…

    my apologies if the snobbery comment was directed to you in error.. i thought you had said something about that to Ken… and i confess i am too tired this afternoon to go back to look it up…

    it never entered my head that you called me names. hope you don’t think i was calling you any…

    my new resolution is simply to not talk to anyone who calls me names..

    when you can’t make a point without personal attacks on your opponent.. it is because you have a weak argument.. and therefore not much worth the time it takes to generate a reply…

    now.. teasing is another matter.. and i hope you and i can remain friendly enough in the coming months to continue teasing one another…

    i have brothers very like you… complete with the mischievous delight at stirring the pot.



    Just want to point out that “teasing” is very hard to convey via the written word.

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