Program Assistant Sundays 9 – 3 Needed Westside Unitarian Universalist Church

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Program Assistant Sundays 9 – 3 Needed Westside Unitarian Universalist Church

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    Program Assistant Needed for Religious Exploration Program
    Working Sundays:  9 am – 3 pm), $15/hour.   

    We are looking for a non-congregant to be our new Program Assistant position for the Religious Exploration Program for Children and Youth on Sundays.  The person will work Sundays helping set up and break down RE classes.  Applicant must be able to walk up and down three flights of stairs with classroom supplies, set up and break down large tables, set up chairs, arrange classrooms, input registration data for each registered child in a detailed Excel document; input attendance data after classes in both an Excel document and a spread sheet; prepare classroom supplies.  Program Assistant will communicate with parents and teachers by e-mail and phone to coordinate registration, keep teachers informed of special needs for a particular class, help arrange substitute teachers, and confirm teachers for classes, and other tasks as assigned.

    Applicant must be well organized; have their own lap-top computer or be able to use the church PC and know Excel and Word (creating and using docs); set up a g-mail address for work business; create and use Google Docs. Program Assistant must have a phone with texting capability so teachers can text if they have a problem in class to obtain help. 

    Applicant must love kids, and be supportive of children’s spiritual education.  We are a warm, welcoming community.  Hours are 9:00 am until 3 pm.  Program Assistant cannot attend services, classes or meetings on Sundays.  On a very rare occasion, the Program Assistant will substitute teach if a teacher does not show with curriculum provided.  The position runs through June 2017 with the possibility of continuing as part-time Summer Coordinator.  A background check will be required because you will be working with children and youth.  Non-congregants preferred!

    To apply contact:  Cynthia Westby, Director of Religious Exploration for Children and Youth, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 7141 California Avenue SW, Seattle, Washington   98136.



    Oops! My e-mail is actually Sorry about that!

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