Good Morning Liberals… President Trump awaits . Thank you !

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    betty, you don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about.

    some time ago, someone convinced you that some of your fellow hard-working americans are socialists. they also convinced you that socialism, fascism, naziism, and authoritarianism amount to the same thing.

    you’re wrong on both counts, and i can’t argue from a position that i don’t believe, no matter how much you want or need to see me as The Enemy.

    kinda orwellian, if you ask me. i doubt you’re curious enough to ask me, though.

    everyone else who thinks that i’ve called other posters names needs to quote it or shut the hell up. i can’t speak for others, but i’d rather debate issues. preferably with facts and numbers, and not insults to my intelligence.

    “liberalism is a mental disorder?” whoever is rude enough to say something like that in a neighborhood forum doesn’t need me to insult him.

    i freely admit to calling your candidates reprehensible, but i try not to get personal – unless i’m provoked on a personal level.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by redblack.


    mostlycynical: welcome to WSB forums. hopefully you live on the peninsula with all us liberals and aren’t posting from waziristan or something.

    ahh, SCOTUS. yay. now maybe we’ll be even more citizens united-y.

    i doubt they’ll take away a woman’s right to not let you know what goes on during her medical visits. by law, it’s no one else’s business. and it seems like a pretty libertarian notion, doesn’t it? not prying into someone else’s medical business based on a third party’s religious beliefs?

    by the way, do you find it ironic that people who pride themselves on “constitutional government” won’t give obama’s SCOTUS nominees fair hearings?

    fortunately, most jurists aren’t as reactionary as the corporate “legislators” who approve them.

    at least now maybe conservatives will stop wetting themselves over gun ownership.



    KBear, this isn’t the first time you’ve come out here calling people racist.

    I’m not so sure you’re the authority. Seems a bit arrogant to presume authority to judge.

    Extending your condemnation of someone by applying it to their supporters has some issues. Does a fatal flaw ruin a person who otherwise has merits? What to do if every candidate has flaws? I think you need to go beyond the simple litmus test before condemning people.



    KBear: Yes, I voted for Donald Trump, donated money to his campaign and also volunteered some time to help educate people about the simple truths.

    I first started sending money to Ben Carson a year and a half ago because I liked his common sense platform. As you know, Carson ended up endorsing Trump because their platforms were very similar, …so I followed his recommendation to support Trump. I suppose you believe Ben Carson is racist too?

    Since everyone who voted for Trump is said to be racist, that would mean millions of African/latino/Asian/Indian Americans are racist too (see voting data). I even have a Muslim friend who campaigned for Trump here in Washington–a man that spent a year and a half as a terrorist suspect in Gitmo! I suppose you think he is a racist islamophobic too.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by captainDave.


    Captain Dave
    you think Ben Carson makes sense? only if you listened only to the soundbites..
    if you actually read one of his articles the sense you thought he was making slipped away in the twists and turns he had to make to justify himself…



    I don’t believe Ben Carson is a racist. I do believe that he’s an idiot, no matter what his background was. Actually, I think that he was probably a brilliant surgeon, no doubt. That doesn’t make him brilliant in all things, and I believe that he needs to work on his own brain…I think he has health issues…



    Helper MonkEY, thanks for the input :)



    the name is Helper Monkey…learn to read instead of being so frigging nasty yourself…talk about a nasty woman… you talk to your friends , your family, your children, like that (if you have them, the poor things)?



    JanS, how do you get to thinking Carson has health issues?



    Yes, JKB, it is still racist to co-opt the Black Lives Matter slogan into “all lives matter”.



    JoB: A friend of mine had known Ben Carson and highly respected his business acumen when he was on the board of Costco. My friend was one of the most highly respected business people in the Northwest during the 70’s 80’s and 90’s who pioneered a lot of employee-centric programs that became the model for many successful companies here. You probably don’t understand Carson’s writings because he is operating several levels above our mutual capability–I was just fortunate to have some experience working with people like him in my past. Carson is one of the most intelligent, fairest and compassionate people who have ever run for president. He’s just not the kind of street fighter that was needed to beat the nasty tactics used by the left. I hope Carson ends up being the Surgeon General who will fix help Americas failing medical system–I don’t think there would be a finer person for the job because he is not bestowed to the insurance or pharmaceutical industry.

    KBear: Trump supporters are racist because they believe all individuals matter? Then do you believe that the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution is racist because it was drafted for “We the People” instead of “We the Black People”?



    dave: that last sentence was offensive on a few different levels.

    you really should simply let everyone think you’re a fool before opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

    oh, noes! was that a personal insult?

    at least i didn’t broad-brush a huge swath of the voting public in one fell, racist swoop…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by redblack.


    So I’ll sharpen the question a little: Who are you to judge?



    your fellow american, that’s who.


    (adding the emoticon so that my intent is not misunderstood.)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by redblack.


    CD, it’s obvious you are unaware of the authority and responsibilities of the Surgeon General, unless you are thinking it would be good if all health care providers were pulled into the Public Health Services over which he has some authority. Otherwise, the SG has no legislative authority.

    I haven’t followed your exchange with KBear other than to notice your closing comment in 864369 above. A criticism of the US Constitution by an influential segment of Trump supporters, the Alt Right crowd, believe it was a huge mistake by the Founding Fathers to not be explicit that the enumerated rights were assumed to apply exclusively to Northern European males. In their view, it was the failure to do so as led to this current state of affairs where the rights of citizenship has been extended to all sorts of less capable and therefore less qualified people. It’s their intention to remedy that error. Where are you concerning the rights of citizenship for Jews, Italian Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, African Americans. etc.?



    JKB, I am a white person who listens. I may unknowingly act in ways that display my own prejudices sometimes, but willful ignorance deserves to be called out. I didn’t decide “all lives matter” was offensive. I only pointed it out.



    redblack: Sorry for micro-aggression offense. Should I give you a day of safe-space before responding?, or perhaps a big box and a bunch of bubble wrap? Where is the racism? Perhaps there is a new definition of racism that I am not aware of? Can you explain why you think all races should not be considered equal in the US? I just want a government that follows the constitution.



    Kbear, I have two basic points here: the arrogance of presuming to judge, and the extremity of extending a judgment to all the offender’s supporters.

    So an old discussion like the ‘all lives matter’ one: your opinion proves that it’s what you believe, not that there’s any solid fact being nailed down.

    And a newer theme: how Trump’s questionable comments reflect on his supporters. Your comments claim that fifty million voters are racists. Yep, that’s what you said. Pretty extreme, or at least it seems that way to me.



    JTB: You sound like a lunatic who has only read a very narrow spectrum of political propaganda. It would be like me saying that all democrats are influenced by the Black Panthers. I know of no such agenda in Trump’s campain for which can espouse your claims. I am only half European so I think I would be shooting myself in the foot if your claim were true. Please provide credible links to information that support your assertion.



    Captain Dave, it is not enough to say that all are equal under law when the law isn’t applied equally to all. I’m speaking of laws that are supposed to protect, as well as laws that punish. It’s great to have a fair set of rules, but the rules aren’t being followed.



    JKB, I will state again that it isn’t just my opinion that “all lives matter” is a very insensitive thing to say. Google it, buddy. But I suspect you already have. Which brings me back to my point about willful ignorance. And yes, I do think that type of racism is rampant in our country and played a big part in the election.



    KBear: Where did I say I believe in lawless government? If I did, I would have voted to for Hillary. I believe in law and order. Where do you see Trump advocating for treatment of criminals differently based on race? Sounds like you are angry at a corrupt bureaucracy that is dominated by Demecrat appointees and leftist activist judges. So am I.



    JTB: You sound like a lunatic…

    I met JTB a couple years ago, and not only did he seem quite sane and emotionally stable, but rather intelligent as well.




    Agreed that what you think is believed by more than just you. But also the opposite view is believed by more than a few. Never mind Google, just think about it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JKB. Reason: remove rehash-old-ground question


    Come on folks, stop all the bickering! Of course all lives matter, including the police!

    It’s Friday – take a breath, sit back, relax and simply let your mind encompass the myriad of potential conservative policy changes, Executive Order repeals, new constitutional supreme court justices that Donald and (R) Senate+House can begin implementing on Friday, January 20th, 2017!

    Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside… (after 8 years of Hopeless Changes).

    Have an effing ** great weekend!!

    ** (euphemism for f***ing… borrowed that from JanS… she appears to use that throughout her comments. How about we all start using ‘effing’, that way it won’t seem so crude, immature and angry when Jan uses it? See pg 1, REPLY #864290 for an example ;)

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