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    there is no such thing as clean coal, because it’s not economically viable. by the time you process it enough to be “clean,” the cost per kwh becomes exorbitant to producers and consumers. and you still have to level hills and valleys to get it. ever been to west virginia?

    besides, here in WA, over 80% of our power is hydroelectric. yes, i know that dams are destructive to watersheds and their ecosystems. but they don’t emit poison.

    and i would point out that we are importing less oil than we have since carter was president. obama’s “all of the above” energy policy is working well enough… for a country that has never had an effective energy policy.

    letting big oil write their own rules doesn’t count as energy policy.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by redblack.


    If you want industrialization (coal) run amuck, here’s China LAST WEEK. To keep the economy “happy”, they are still investing in plants that aren’t even producing capacity due to a glut in demand. This is where we are steering for now… As our dear (still-about-to-be) leader would say; ” Sad. Very, very sad.”

    I grew up in the Cold War. I thought I’d never refer to people as “Pinko Commie Republicans”. Talk about souled out…



    PSE shut down there coal burning plants due to cost of dirty coal …China wants coal we will give it to them just to put coal miners back to work one of trumps promises just like carrier was even though most of those jobs a moving to Mexico ……



    Just a reminder… The wind blows from the west. You have been are breathing the stuff. Japan has smog days from smog and dust from China. It doesn’t matter where it is. It’s all bad (except for Trump, Exxon and the WWE).

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by 22blades.


    some of us have seen the outcome from these strategies before
    and we know they aren’t pretty



    JoB: Your hypocrisy is amusing. On one hand, you are concerned about global pollution, on the other hand, you lambast Trump for wanting to produce your goods here in America where we have the highest environmental standards in the world. Why do you liberals think its better to produce stuff in places with low environmental standards and diminished human rights?

    It’s funny that you are wanting others to pay taxes while you are unwilling to pay the cost burden of US labor and environmental protection on the things you consume. That’s just greed. It’s hard for me to imagine how some of you so-called liberals sleep at night.



    dave: it’s increasingly obvious that you don’t or can’t read.

    on the record:

    we can and will pay more for quality goods produced in the united states.

    we prefer the union label over crap made in south korea.

    we on the left would prefer that we don’t have to compete with south korean wages. to paraphrase henry ford, we would like to be able to afford to buy the stuff that we’re making on assembly lines.

    but reagonomics has ensured that we don’t have those options.

    dropping the mic.



    Serious question – is it possible to disagree with Trump without being classified as a “liberal”? I’m asking in this forum because I’d like to think that I’d get a more thoughtful response than I’d get in twitter/facebook/news sites.

    I mean, there are things Trump’s done that I don’t agree with – but I wouldn’t say that I’m a “liberal”. In fact, I tend to be more purple than blue or red. I find it disappointing when discussions about a specific Trump action/comment veers off that action/comment onto the wider red vs blue debate, or even worse is “well clinton did x, y, and z”. End rant/



    alki_2008: Yes and no. Half the country doesn’t believe in identity politics while the other half does.



    alki_2008 It appears you’ve just elicited a perfect example of the challenge you identify. Either that, or you really do have to decide if disagreeing with Trump on an issue makes you for or against identity politics.

    Seriously, there are plenty of people here who bring a diverse, thoughtful intent to various discussions. Unfortunately, many discussions do get derailed onto ideological rants and intellectually hollow dead ends. It’s a matter of approach.



    now this is a store ws needs lol……




    Captain Dave

    There is no hypocrisy here.. one look at Trump’s cabinet and anyone who seriously believes that Trump wants to produce goods here in the US is delusional. Heck.. neither he nor his wife produce their goods in the US.. because.. he said it.. he would be stupid to do so when he can make them cheaper elsewhere. Weren’t you listening?

    As for me.. i am a think globally buy locally advocate.. and have been since the very first day i signed onto this forum which i think is 8+ years… i am pretty sure i started speaking about it right away since it is a practice i have lived for 40+ years.

    I do pay the cost burden of US labor and environmental protection on the things I consume… and on top of that we pay taxes.. at the heftiest rate possible with no tax avoidance strategies… by choice. You might say we pay our fair share and yours too ;-)

    Not to labor the point.. but we also go way out of our way to help those who are not as lucky as we are…

    Can you say the same? You talk big but i am guessing .. based on the evidence of your remarks made on this forum that you don’t put your money where your mouth has been…

    that is hypocrisy.

    as for the way you label all liberals and then proceed to argue against your own assumptions without paying any attention to what the individuals you are supposedly talking to say?
    that’s a straw man argument…

    “A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.
    Straw man – Wikipedia

    the key word in that definition is fallacy… otherwise known as not true.. or mislabeling .. or a lie. I will stop short of liar liar pants on fire because it’s Christmas and i am feeling charitable.. besides.. JTB thinks we should elevate this conversation and i agree… so you get a pass.. this time.

    i will pass along this Christmas gift.. you can tell a con from an solid argument by whether or not the assertion is backed by either facts or actions or both. Hot the end.. is just hot air.

    those Trump campaign promises? they were hot air… blown up the proverbial skirts of voters …
    Know that man not by what he says.. because he has a history of lieing to “make the deal” .. but by what he does. What he does totally contradicts what you think said…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by JoB.
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