Reply To: Dog and Bike laws



Wow! That’s a lot of hard feelings about strobing headlights on bikes! Siezures, headaches, global warming…It’s all caused by strobes on bikes? Who knew.

I ride my bike all the time and I don’t use a strobe because it annoys me. I set my taillight to strobe without a second thought. I do these things because my wee little light has no horsepower in comparison to the headlights on cars. Nothing. At. All.

Yes, the strobing effect is illegal. Oddly, it’s never enforced because it’s not a high priority for the cops who do get to have some discretion about what laws are enforced. Like helmet laws.

So, stop looking at the bright shiny lights, especially you beds on the busses! There is no reason to stare into the light, you’re not Carol Ann, don’t go into the light!