Reply To: I am her



the democratic party has lost support nationally because they have been behaving like republicans (in re: electioneering.) they’ve been doing that because they believe that the only way to defeat republicans is with money. the rank and file are hungry for something better and less republican-y.

and i think a lot of republicans are, too.

my facts? attendance at the 2016 precinct caucuses was off the charts. sanders brought most of that support. my sleepy little precinct went 5-1 for sanders. and that energy happened nationwide.

people are angry at the money controlling policies in the democratic party, but not so much that they won’t show up to affect party change at the local level.

what looks like disorganization and apathy to you is actually the party undergoing structural and generational changes.

if you think that the nation rejected liberal platforms out-of-hand, you’re mistaken. there is far more at play than simple us-versus-them.

but hey. let’s see how this “new” corporate government does its job, shall we? can republicans govern effectively? got any plans to reduce obama and boehner/mcconnell’s debt? big designs for iran and syria? heading off american class and race riots? and can they do it – all of it – by cutting the top marginal tax rate by 30%?

damn it. i didn’t want to do this in this thread.

i’ll give you the last word on the subject here, then we should agree to let the topic return to how women have been disenfranchised by clinton’s 2 million-vote margin of victory.