Meet the new wall, not the same as the old wall

Another building permit’s in the books for the fast-moving QFC/Office Depot mixed-use property on Alaska north of Jefferson Square, and a new retaining wall at the back of the site has replaced the old now-knocked-down wall — this view just in from WSB contributing photographer Christopher Boffoli:


9 Replies to "Meet the new wall, not the same as the old wall"

  • OP October 10, 2007 (6:50 pm)

    Mixing our musical metaphors, are we? ;-)

  • Erik October 10, 2007 (6:56 pm)

    Nice catch OP.

  • WSB October 10, 2007 (7:48 pm)

    We were thinking of “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” Wondering, what does it sound as if it’s mixed with?

  • Train October 10, 2007 (10:01 pm)

    This is going to be one big-ass building

  • OP October 11, 2007 (12:41 pm)

    I was getting a Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and a bit of The Who (can’t remember the song for some reason). Just me, I suppose. :-)
    Back to the subject. Where is there going to be parking for these places???

  • WSB October 11, 2007 (12:52 pm)

    The parking is in the building. For this one (here’s our writeup from the final Design Review Board meeting), there are two levels of underground parking plus one level actually OVER the QFC.

  • OP October 11, 2007 (3:15 pm)

    Thanks for the link, WSB! I agree with the Design Board; the traffic issues could be nasty, and make it possibly less desirable to shop there. Then there’s the new Whole Foods going in. Three grocery stores within 2 blocks each other? Yikes! One of ’em may not survive. Hope they all did their market research and can justify putting in a new store based on WS’s population. I suppose if the Met Market, PCC, and the Safeway can all exist virtually in the same locale as they do in Admiral Junction, why not in the A. Junc? Personally, and IMHO, I wish one of them was a Freddy’s. Their deli is awful, but their prices and selection are much better. And going to Ballard is a pain in the toosh and the one in Burien/SeaTac is a pit.

  • MGM October 11, 2007 (5:27 pm)

    I’m excited to have yet another option to purchase my antibiotic/hormone fed meat! Yeah, more office products too. The drive to SODO in my Hummer was really getting to me…

  • praying man-tis i October 12, 2007 (9:10 am)

    I hate going to the Admiral area for that exact reason…too crowded! Who am I to complain about “progress” and “high-density living”? I look forward to the day that we become as crowded as the Capitol Hill area. West Seattle is not the same place I fell in love with.

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