Miss this weekend’s orca visit? See them on video!

No West Seattle sightings today that we’ve heard of, but Saturday, Southern Resident orcas passed our area headed southbound in the morning, and then back northbound in the afternoon (as reported here – thanks again to everyone who shared location updates!). “Diver Laura” James was watching from the Brace Point area during the northbound pass, and shares the video above (we mentioned it briefly in last night’s sea-star report but you might have gone right past the link). Note that the boat with the orcas in the last two minutes was carrying researchers.

1 Reply to "Miss this weekend's orca visit? See them on video!"

  • Planenut November 24, 2014 (10:31 am)

    Thank you Laura. You are incredible. When the orcas were a little further north and as seen from Fauntleroy the water plumes were backlit by the setting sun. A marvelous sight.

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