West Seattle weather: Wind arrives; power outage hits almost 10,000 homes/businesses


ORIGINAL REPORT, 5:35 PM: If you haven’t been outside lately – or are getting ready to head home from work – the wind has arrived. As noted earlier, the National Weather Service downgraded the alert early this morning but still warned that gusts could get into the 40s; this is supposed to ease within a few hours. We’ll be tracking the storm in the meantime. No outages or other notable effects reported in West Seattle right now but if you see/hear about something, please let us know – text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you.

5:38 PM: And minutes later … our power went out. Yours?

5:46 PM: More than 6,700 homes/businesses, as shown on SCL map. Also, a tree is reported down in the 2700 block of 51st SW. Also, another one in an alley in the 8800 block of 24th SW.

5:58 PM: As noted in our daily preview, MANY activities were scheduled tonight, so if anybody has official word of cancellations/changes, please let us know. We are headed out to check on some locations, such as the Sealth/Denny campus. Also, a revised total: The SCL map has this grouped as two outages, one with 6,740 customers affected, one with 957, so almost 7,700 homes/businesses.

6:07 PM: The West Seattle Community Orchestras concert that was scheduled for 7 pm at Chief Sealth IHS is postponed.

6:16 PM: For those asking about an estimated restoration time – the map currently just says “December 15” (tomorrow). But as we’ve noted in coverage of many outages (first one we covered was exactly 12 years ago tonight – the Hanukkah Eve windstorm), the estimates are relatively useless, could be much sooner, or much later. In this case, given the growing number of outages around the city, plan for later. Keep your fridge closed.

(Texted photo – downed trees/limbs in Eddy St. ravine)

6:21 PM: Trees reported down in 5200 block 23rd SW and near 24th/Henderson, also trouble at 10th/Henderson.

One event that is STILL ON – Denny IMS Winter Party (Posada) – they have generator power. (photo above). … More from scanner: Stop sign blown down at 63rd/Admiral. … Per comment: Chief Sealth/Garfield basketball is canceled. … WESTWOOD VILLAGE: We went over to check – Target/Barnes&Noble side is on, center stores on, QFC out and stores north of it – to Marshall’s – are out.

6:53 PM: Now the outage map includes an area south to Roxbury that adds 2,273 to the previous West Seattle total, so that means almost 10,000 customers out in West Seattle. From comments: Cocoa For a Cause, a Brownie troop’s project at West Seattle Lights, is postponed. … Also: Art Lounge at Highland Park Improvement Club is canceled. Meantime, a party that went on as scheduled:

West Seattle Be Prepared and the WS Amateur Radio Club were having their combined holiday party when the outage hit. Reports Jim Edwards, who sent the photo: “Between solar, generator and battery powered jug lanterns we are enjoying all that this season has to offer.” … Tree reported down near 18th/Orchard … Our crew says 24th SW is blocked at Henderson/Barton, with crews working on the reported downed tree there.

7:33 PM: Multiple commenters confirm what the map shows – Junction (and points north) NOT affected, so if you are looking for dinner, etc., head there. Lafayette Elementary‘s new Festival of Lights still on, too – thanks to Max for the photos:

Tomorrow too, so if you missed tonight/didn’t want to go out in the wind, you’ll have another chance. Twelfth Night Productions’ “A Christmas Carol” at Kenyon Hall, still on tonight, too, per Lou Magor‘s note (Saturday and Sunday shows remain as well) … (Photo added – “Christmas Carol” by lantern – thanks to Anna for the pic:)

Still no new info on restoration and not likely to be, as SCL now has almost 45,000 out around the region. … We found an SDOT tree crew working at 26th/Barton in Westwood:

Be on the lookout for lost pets (here’s our lost/found pets page) – we’ve already had two lost dogs reported tonight (and reunite one) – e-mail info to westseattleblog@gmail.com or text 206-293-6302.

8:30 PM: As noted in comments, the Morgan Junction business district has power. We are headed north on California and on that arterial, the outage is from just south of Mills, southward. … Alaska, Admiral Junction all on … so is Alki.

9:07 PM: The National Weather Service extended the Wind Advisory until 10 pm. In general, the wind in our area is indeed calming – the 9 pm gusts are lower than the 8 pm gusts. For a commenter who asked, here’s a grab of the West Seattle-and-southward outage map as of a short time ago:

9:42 PM: Though the West Seattle outages don’t appear to have changed in size, the total number out throughout SCL’s service area is now 43,000+, down about 3,000 from the peak. Meantime, since we are now into the fifth hour, you might be interested in food-safety advice regarding what’s in your fridge, if you are in the outage zone.

10:15 PM: Getting reports of restoration in the High Point area.

10:30 PM: The map now reflects more than 1,300 West Seattle customers got power restored.

11:44 PM: Seventh hour without power for 8,000+ in WS. Throughout SCL’s area, 36,000+ are now mapped as out, down 10,000 from the peak. Meantime, we’ve heard about another downed tree, this one at Jacobsen and Hudson, via Alyson, who says it’s not blocking the road but appears to have brought down a cable wire.

12:54 AM: 8th/Elmgrove report of restoration via a comment. West Seattle outage is ~300 customers smaller in latest map update. Meantime, a fire alarm brought SFD to Bed Bath Beyond in Westwood, but no fire – they think the alarm was outage-related and are closing the response.

1:07 AM: Our power just came back on, after 7 1/2 hours. Hearing from others too.

1:28 AM: We’ve noted before that SCL’s new map lags more than its predecessor. Noting that now – we’ve been back on for more than 20 minutes but we’re still shown as out. So we don’t know yet how many got power back in that last wave. The map shows 30,000 still out, service-area-wide.

6:29 AM: Thanks for the updates. Looks like the outage is down to a few hundred in West Seattle, still 11,000+ out in SCL’s service area – almost half of them south of here. (added) Here’s a screen grab of the last West Seattle pockets:

We’re working on the daily highlight list right now – assuming everything’s on as scheduled but let us know at westseattleblog@gmail.com if not – then once it’s light, we’ll be looking around for storm damage – please also let us know if you’re dealing with anything (downed trees, etc.) – thank you!

7:43 AM: A few reports of power going out again in part of High Point a few minutes ago. Ours in Upper Fauntleroy flickered.

7:59 AM: Launching a new report on current outages and aftermath. (added) Find it here.

228 Replies to "West Seattle weather: Wind arrives; power outage hits almost 10,000 homes/businesses"

  • M December 14, 2018 (5:38 pm)

    Power out Thistle + 30th

    • Jodi smith December 14, 2018 (6:02 pm)

      Power out on 15 and Barton 

  • M December 14, 2018 (5:39 pm)

    Power out on 30th and Thistle

  • Welldang December 14, 2018 (5:39 pm)

    Power out 98106 Delridge

  • JN December 14, 2018 (5:40 pm)

    Power just went out near chief sealth hs.

  • Kate December 14, 2018 (5:40 pm)

    Yup. Went out 5:38 near Highland Park Elementary.

  • Gatewood resident December 14, 2018 (5:40 pm)

    Power out on 39th and othello 

  • Mimi December 14, 2018 (5:41 pm)

    Well the powers out now

  • IB December 14, 2018 (5:41 pm)

    Just lost power in Gatewood across from Lincoln Park. 

  • Lizzzle December 14, 2018 (5:41 pm)

    Out at 35th & Morgan and all the way down the hill. 

  • Chloe December 14, 2018 (5:41 pm)

    Power is out on 12th and holden

  • Andros December 14, 2018 (5:42 pm)

    36th and Morgan and power is gone. 

  • Keith December 14, 2018 (5:42 pm)

    Out a few blocks from you. Rose and 37th. Whole Gatewood hood went dark.

  • Mike December 14, 2018 (5:42 pm)

    Power out in Highland Park 7th and Cloverdale. 

  • Suarez December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Power out, we’re on Thistle and 25th. 

  • John December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Power out in highpoint 

  • Delridge Resident December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Our power also went out. We are near 16th and Holden. We can see the power is still on west of Delridge.

  • Sarah Boling December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Out at 11th and holden too

  • Eleanor December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Yep power went out at 41st and Fauntleroy…. hope it’s back up soon

  • Lauren December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Our is out in Gatewood. 

  • Darcie December 14, 2018 (5:43 pm)

    Power out in High Point.

  • Judy December 14, 2018 (5:44 pm)

    Our power is out, 39th & Rose St.

  • Dcn December 14, 2018 (5:44 pm)

    Power out 28th and Thistle. 

  • datamuse December 14, 2018 (5:44 pm)

    Power is up in Highland Park, for the moment, but cable/Internet is offline.

    • Ed December 14, 2018 (6:46 pm)

      Powers been out at my place, on 9th, across from Highland Park Elementary for over an hour now.

  • ThistleNeighbor December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    Yep, power out 25th & Thistle

  • Zachary Hansen December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    41st and Rose out

  • Anne December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    6500 block 39th & Morgan- out

  • M December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    Power went out in High Point 

  • Wolfe December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    Lights flickering on SW Alaska ST at “The Grove Inn”.

  • Gert December 14, 2018 (5:45 pm)

    Delridge is out.

  • Zachary Hansen December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    41st and Rose out.

  • Yma December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    We just went out 5:40 California & Portland- tip o the hill north of Morgan Junction. How is major junction doing? Dinner?

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:10 pm)

      The map should be accurate.

  • Lindsey December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    It flickered 2x around the time wsb posted your power went out. We are by the Charlestown water tower. 

  • BettytheYeti December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    Power out at SW POOL

  • Andygirl December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    Power out 26th/Thistle

  • Sue December 14, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    Very significant flickering in the Alaska Junction, for the third Friday in a row, but thankfully no outage here so far. But I knew it was inevitable that it was somewhere in West Seattle because of this new and disturbing Friday pattern.

  • Jay December 14, 2018 (5:47 pm)

    Out at California at Southern and down the hill. 

  • CH December 14, 2018 (5:47 pm)

    Out at 13th and Morgan

  • Kay Rood December 14, 2018 (5:47 pm)

    High Point is very dark.

  • Brian December 14, 2018 (5:47 pm)

    Frontenac street between California and Fauntleroy is out.

  • Jorge December 14, 2018 (5:48 pm)

    Yup no power on thistle! Any idea the eta?

  • LaraG December 14, 2018 (5:49 pm)

    Still have power @ Graham & 48th Ave SE

  • Kelly M December 14, 2018 (5:49 pm)

    We have power at 5th and Kenyon but no Comcast internet. 

  • Brian December 14, 2018 (5:50 pm)

    I wish they would have burried the utilities lines instead of upgrading the poles.

    • Carrie December 14, 2018 (6:17 pm)

      Mine are buried, but my power is still out 😕

  • Rochelle Jackson December 14, 2018 (5:51 pm)

    Power out in the Lincoln Park neighborhood (excluding Fauntleroy).

  • Jon Shields December 14, 2018 (5:51 pm)

    Power out at S-curve near 40th Ave SW, SW Graham St, and Fauntleroy Way SW. 

    • Jon Shields December 14, 2018 (10:20 pm)

      Power back on at my house as of about 5 minutes ago. Praying it stays on! 

  • Michelle December 14, 2018 (5:51 pm)

    35th and Morgan, as well. And, my building almost never looses power. That sure changed

  • Norman December 14, 2018 (5:52 pm)

    What are those lights im seeing spinning around the clouds coming from???

  • Hpdp December 14, 2018 (5:53 pm)

    Watched the lights flicker a couple of times then saw bataan park in high point and houses north of there all go black.  South of the park power is on.

  • Cathy Jessup December 14, 2018 (5:53 pm)

    Westwood Town center just went out 

    • Ca December 14, 2018 (6:01 pm)

      Was just there they had power

  • AmyB December 14, 2018 (5:54 pm)

    Power out 16th SW & Austin

  • John Christensen December 14, 2018 (5:54 pm)

    4 events at Chief Sealth tonight. Orchestra concert, Basketball game, swimming match, and winter festival at Denny…

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (5:57 pm)

      Yes, Patrick is headed there first to check on things – we were about to head out to cover some of tonight’s activities … Info on cancellations/changes appreciated, here and also by phone, e-mail, whatever works, so we can include in our coverage.

      • Toni Reineke December 14, 2018 (6:05 pm)

         On behalf of West Seattle Community Orchestras, (WSCO), letting you know that we are postponing our concert to an unknown date. Toni 

        • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:06 pm)

          Thank you, Toni!

        • Trileigh December 14, 2018 (7:13 pm)

          So sad about this! I was really looking forward to this concert for our community.

  • Craig December 14, 2018 (5:54 pm)

    Power still on in Sylvan Ridge near 35th and Morgan….. but it’s sure tried to go out. 🤞 

  • Ktrapp December 14, 2018 (5:54 pm)

    SCL site says 6,700+ people without power.  We seem to be the only blob in the city.  So yay us!

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (5:55 pm)

      That’s what we’ve reported above, with the map. Continuing to add updates including word of downed trees.

  • Helpful December 14, 2018 (5:55 pm)

    Power’s our at my house. 

    • LJJ December 14, 2018 (6:12 pm)


  • Cmc December 14, 2018 (5:56 pm)

    Power out on the QFC side of Westwood Village

  • Mr. Biggles December 14, 2018 (5:57 pm)

    We’re seeing occasional bright multi colored flashes across the sound, reflecting off the clouds. Wondering if those are power transformers blowing up in Bremerton, Winslow, etc.

    • Jort December 14, 2018 (6:20 pm)

      Or, possibly, aliens. 

      • JoanE December 14, 2018 (6:58 pm)

        aliens was my explanation as well – and the clouds glowing looked an awful lot like the scene in independence day just before all hell  broke loose 

        • Jort December 14, 2018 (8:35 pm)

          Look, I’m not saying this is the time to panic and shriek hysterically, but I am personally preparing myself for abduction as we speak. Also, I am shrieking hysterically, in case you’re hearing a weird sound outside  

  • SMG December 14, 2018 (5:59 pm)

    Flickering in Arbor Heights. 

  • Bill Bacon December 14, 2018 (5:59 pm)

    Times like this it’s nice to have battery WiFi and charged bicycle headlight.  And a battery radio.   I never knew I was this well prepared.    Bill B., 35th and Morgan

    • Victoria December 14, 2018 (6:07 pm)

      Hopefully it comes back soon. Times like these (rare as they are in my lil area) I’m sure glad I worked in a candle factory for years. Time to light up the candle hoard :)

    • Ngie December 14, 2018 (6:15 pm)

      Yeah. Good reminder to dig mine up. Thanks :).

    • Daniel December 14, 2018 (7:26 pm)

      Battery WiFi.. that’s a good idea currently using data on my phone which I can turn into a hotspot for other devices to use

  • Lilwash December 14, 2018 (6:00 pm)

    Watched a big purple and blue flash on 17th and Barton (maybe alley) as power went out.

  • Sara December 14, 2018 (6:00 pm)

    Power out on Cloverdale 36th-38th

  • Jodi Steele December 14, 2018 (6:01 pm)

    South end of 14th SW is out

  • JandJ December 14, 2018 (6:01 pm)

    High point rarely loses power – must be bad!

  • Casey Catts December 14, 2018 (6:03 pm)

    Power out on Delridge and Holden 

  • Maggie December 14, 2018 (6:07 pm)

    The outage map doesn’t include us, but the whole stree is out on 21st between Barton and Cambridge, and I believe further north and south as well. Just about 10 minutes ago. Glad I had a few random candles!

  • Jodi December 14, 2018 (6:07 pm)

    15,600+ customers out now.

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (7:43 pm)

      The 5644 group, if you’re counting that, is almost entirely south of West Seattle. I wish City Light hadn’t changed its mapping software, as it’s much harder to read than what preceded it but hopefully it’s part of some back-end improvement or efficiency for them …

  • Jodi December 14, 2018 (6:09 pm)

  • Bruce December 14, 2018 (6:10 pm)

    Out at 16th ave & Webster. Wind seems to have died down quite a bit. 

  • Mhb December 14, 2018 (6:11 pm)

    Still have power on 35th near Mt. St Vincent. 

  • TheCleaningLady December 14, 2018 (6:11 pm)

    No power here at 16th ave sw and Othello 

  • Ngie December 14, 2018 (6:13 pm)

    Power out in South Delridge. Lights went on, off, on, off, on, and finally off.

    I think there were some issues with either transformers or substations, because I also heard some loud booms and saw some flashes.

  • Monica Sayers December 14, 2018 (6:14 pm)

    Power out on 21st and Barton

  • Bruce December 14, 2018 (6:16 pm)

    Does anyone know if Alaska Junction has power?

    • Kadoo December 14, 2018 (7:08 pm)

      Yes, there is power in the Junction. We had some flickering lights but power is on. 

    • KrisFrank December 14, 2018 (7:29 pm)

      A friend working in the Alaska Junction says they all have power! 

  • B Dawg December 14, 2018 (6:18 pm)

    Power out in Shorewood area. But I can see lights on in South Arbor Heights.

  • Gc December 14, 2018 (6:19 pm)

    Highland park still out

  • Little Gary December 14, 2018 (6:20 pm)

    Called power outage hotline for SCL got an automated response that says estimated resortation for 37th/ Thistle is 12pm December 15.. sure hope that’s just a generality and not accurate 

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:48 pm)

      PLEASE remember that estimated restoration times are useless and City Light even admits they are guesstimates – I don’t know why they bother. Could be sooner, could be later. 40,000+ are now out citywide in multiple outages so SCL has a lot to repair.

  • Alc December 14, 2018 (6:20 pm)

    Just stopped by Westwood Village. The only stores that appear to be open at all are Staples and the liquor store, the rest are without power. Most of the houses and buildings on the way back to Admiral Junction are also without power and it seems like there are a lot of extra traffic accidents today so I would suggest being super careful tonight.

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:47 pm)

      Thanks – we went over to check and the main area out is north of QFC. The Target/Barnes&Noble side and the central area seem to be fine.

    • Jort December 14, 2018 (8:22 pm)

      If the liquor store and Staples are open, I don’t really understand what more you would ever need? It sounds like we’ve got the basics covered.  

      • Michelle December 14, 2018 (10:49 pm)

        One might even say the staples are covered.

        • Erithan December 15, 2018 (8:13 am)

          Good one! Hehe

  • B Dawg December 14, 2018 (6:20 pm)

    Power out in South Shorewood area. But I can see lights on in South Arbor Heights.

  • Jeanne E Sullivan December 14, 2018 (6:21 pm)

    Power is out at Arrowhead Gardens Senior living at Myers Way next to the Park and Ride.

  • SillyWhabbit December 14, 2018 (6:24 pm)

    Power still on on SW Concord and 45th.

  • Kate December 14, 2018 (6:24 pm)

    Lights flickering in Seaview. Just came from the Menashe Christmas light extravaganza on Beach Dr and the inflatable Santa is really rocking!

  • CB December 14, 2018 (6:26 pm)

    8800 block of 10th Ave SW. One of those tarp carport blew into the power lines on the east side of the street. Not sure if that was the cause, but the power won’t be on here until SCL checks it out and removes it. 

  • Seattlite December 14, 2018 (6:27 pm)

    I’ve lived in WS all my life, over 70 years. Power outages were very rare until recently…last 3 to 5 years. Are there any experts out there that know why the increase in power outages in WS?

    • melissa December 14, 2018 (6:51 pm)

      Part of global climate change is more extreme weather. Just as other parts of the country are seeing more tropical storms and hurricanes, we’re seeing heavier rains, stronger winds, and drier weather. Scary stuff.

      • Lisa December 14, 2018 (8:00 pm)

        Climate change is responsible for a winter storm power outage? Really? 

    • Michael Krasik December 14, 2018 (8:07 pm)

      The problem started around 25 years ago when City Light was facing financial problems and started to hold back on infrastructure maintenance in order to shift resources towards always growing labor costs.   This is not unique to City Light…it’s a destructive and toxic attribute of the USA and it’s declining culture as a warrior nation.  Our country is drunk-on-debt and the military comes first as bridges, schools and health care systems fail….including the historically good professional care from struggling local utilities.  City Light will deny all of this with a mumbo-jumbo feel-good comment but I have had a high-placed mole in there for 30 years.The good news is that in the last 500 years., post-imperial powers have faired pretty well 150 years after their inevitable decline.   Standby USA… and City Light! 

  • Pam December 14, 2018 (6:27 pm)

    Chief Sealth/Garfield games just cancelled for tonight, everyone leaving Chief Sealth. 

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:33 pm)

      Thank you!

  • Philip December 14, 2018 (6:30 pm)

    Power out 15th and Roxbury

  • Toni Reineke December 14, 2018 (6:30 pm)

    Repeating, just in case the message has not yet been received by WSB that West Seattle  Community Orchestras (WSCO) is postponing the Intermediate and Wind Symphony schedule for tonight at Chief Sealth. Please  be safe everyone!  

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (6:33 pm)

      Added it to the story above a while back – thanks.

    • fred December 14, 2018 (6:51 pm)

      There’s irony in this cancellation…..

      • HS December 14, 2018 (8:22 pm)

        Good one Fred!

  • DS December 14, 2018 (6:31 pm)

    Power out on 18th and Henderson

  • Annoyed person December 14, 2018 (6:42 pm)

    STILL OUT!! 

  • SMC December 14, 2018 (6:54 pm)

    Pretty much all of Bothell has lost power

  • Sara December 14, 2018 (6:58 pm)

    Power out at Thistle and 31st

  • Wildcatz December 14, 2018 (6:58 pm)

    Well, power is on at WSHS… come stay warm, and watch some basketball!

  • Scott December 14, 2018 (7:00 pm)

    Pretty much all of Bothell is out of power

  • Aravind December 14, 2018 (7:09 pm)

    Do we know the eta? 

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (7:31 pm)

      Again, please remember that even when they do have estimates, they’re just guesses – could be much sooner, could be much later. Right now the “estimate” is only tomorrow’s date. 42K+ are out citywide so they have a LOT of work to do.

  • Rochelle Jackson December 14, 2018 (7:10 pm)

    Don’t know about everyone else but given gusty winds were predicted, I’m surprised the current estimate of the outage is noon tomorrow.  Did City Light not gear up for this? 

    • Daniel December 14, 2018 (7:31 pm)

      I think it’s pretty widespread and they often wait until winds die down a bit before doing work.. but as noted the estimates aren’t usually accurate or useful

  • DZ December 14, 2018 (7:11 pm)

    Power has been out since about 5:40 at 25th and Trenton 

  • Joe Thompson II December 14, 2018 (7:15 pm)

    WHITE CENTER has fallen. 

  • Jake Radcliffe December 14, 2018 (7:17 pm)

    Hellofrom TopHat its dark 

  • Karen December 14, 2018 (7:18 pm)

    I went to a west seattle preparedness meeting last month.  That motivated me to get a little more prepared.  So I’m sitting here drinking coffee from my jet oil, in front of a fire reading a book by my jug lantern.  Forgot to put gas in the car but I’m not going anywhere anyhow!thanks for the motivation!!

    • BlairJ December 15, 2018 (8:05 am)

      Yes, this was a good test of just how unprepared we were.  What if this went on for days or weeks due to a larger event?

  • Alice December 14, 2018 (7:25 pm)

    Uncorked Canvas paint night cancelled tonight.

  • vlado December 14, 2018 (7:29 pm)

    Looks like power is out all over the Puget Sound area (there was a very bright explosion, presumably a transformer in the direction of Bremerton about fifteen minutes ago).  With that many outages there won’t be sufficient work crews to restore power quickly.  It might take a while, maybe days, for some places by my reckoning.

    • User December 14, 2018 (8:08 pm)

      Troll much? 

  • Daniel December 14, 2018 (7:29 pm)

    Near 35th and Raymond… power been out for around 2 hours. Seen flashes of what appear to be power lines going down in the distance

  • Tamsen December 14, 2018 (7:31 pm)

    Power on at Safeway on Roxbury? 

  • Alice December 14, 2018 (7:32 pm)

    Congratulations (?) on the anniversary of your coverage of the Hanukkah Eve Extra-Tropical Cyclone….

  • Mj December 14, 2018 (7:34 pm)

    Comcast internet out Admiral

  • erin December 14, 2018 (7:47 pm)

    Monroe St here, power out, storm door shredded by the wind while I was at work. No internet or heat either.A lot of debris in the roads so be careful if you need to leave at all and latch your doors tight!

  • JP December 14, 2018 (7:54 pm)

    Still on at 37th and Juneau. We must be in a bit of a node. 

  • vlado December 14, 2018 (7:57 pm)

    I am curious why cell phone service is still working?  The cell phone antennas close to our place in Gatewood are located in areas without power, and I don’t think they have backup generators.  Maybe I am getting a signal from one located at a spot where there is power that I don’t know about.

    • Brandon December 14, 2018 (11:22 pm)

      Because cell phone towers DO have backup power thanks to people like me. You’re welcome 

  • Norman December 14, 2018 (8:04 pm)

    Powers still on on 25th and findley, I still want to know where the lights spinning through the sky are coming from?

  • HS December 14, 2018 (8:07 pm)

    Pie place, A La Mode, off of the Junction open and delicious!

  • Franci December 14, 2018 (8:11 pm)

    Just got home a little while ago, power is out at home (gatewood) but the Morgan Junction; Thriftway, Starbucks, etc..  all have power.

  • Friend O`Dinghus December 14, 2018 (8:15 pm)

    Hi.  Could someone please post the updated Seattle City Light outage map screenshot again?  My phone will not load their widget and I am hoping to see if there has been any headway made anywhere.  Thx!

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (8:49 pm)

      The West Seattle map hasn’t changed. I’ll try for a WS-to-Burien grab to add. Citywide, the number is 46,000+.

    • Jort December 14, 2018 (8:50 pm)

      I don’t have a screenshot and I don’t want to sound like a total jerk but, um, there’s been like zero headway. Things are actually worse. On the plus side I’m burning some candles that have been sitting around for way too long. 

      • WSB December 14, 2018 (9:24 pm)

        I’ve added the screengrab above. No WS restorations so far. Anyone who does get power back, please let us know here and/or via text at 206-293-6302 – the SCL mapping system lags more than it used to so that’ll be first word.

  • WaverBoy December 14, 2018 (8:26 pm)

    Got home a bit ago, all of 25th off of Thistle is without power.  Westwood Village QFC is on emergency power and is still open, but no refrigerated items are available of course.

    • Jort December 14, 2018 (8:53 pm)

      Question: When you say “refrigerated,” are they still selling beer? Because I really think a beer would make this night go by a little easier. 

      • HelperMonkey December 14, 2018 (9:20 pm)

        Super Deli Mart has both power and beer

        • Jort December 14, 2018 (11:06 pm)

          The Sandwich family stopped by this place and bought enough beer to weather a 2 week outage! But now the power is back on and we’re just kinda feeling silly …

    • Bruce December 14, 2018 (9:21 pm)

      Power is out at 20th and Thistle but appears to be on west of Delridge. 

  • Erika Harnett December 14, 2018 (8:49 pm)

    Downtown White Center has power and the restaurants are open and serving. 

  • Neighbor December 14, 2018 (8:57 pm)

    Highland park is still in the dark. I hope it’s restored before the noon tomorrow ETA. Sigh…

  • Ron J Dio December 14, 2018 (9:03 pm)

    No power on 31st near Chief Sealth. 

    • Moe December 15, 2018 (12:59 am)

      Is power restored by Cheif Sealth

  • Question Authority December 14, 2018 (9:25 pm)

    Oh my, for some it seems it’s like the end of the world is upon us because the power is out.  Take nothing for granted when Mother Nature comes calling and use this as a life learning experience.

  • Pat December 14, 2018 (9:38 pm)

    Power has been out here at 38th Juneau since 5.30ish.   Just had power company truck working in our alley.  Power still out but crews are clearly going. 

  • n7oep December 14, 2018 (9:54 pm)

    City Light crew just arrived to remove downed wires 5200 block 23rd SW.

  • TreeHouse December 14, 2018 (10:08 pm)

    I think it’s great to have a break from electricity  and from the light pollution of our city tonight. Has anyone gone outside to look at that Stars we never get to see from our houses? Amazing! 

    • WSB December 14, 2018 (10:37 pm)

      Yes, we have. The moon’s lovely tonight too.

    • Thomas December 14, 2018 (11:16 pm)

      Not great with a newborn and lows in the 40s, but hey, glad you’re enjoying the stars.  

  • Amy December 14, 2018 (10:11 pm)

    Power back on at 39th & holly!!

  • joanE December 14, 2018 (10:12 pm)

    hope I’m not jinxing everything but power just popped back near 39th and Holly. fingers crossed. 

  • ClayZ December 14, 2018 (10:13 pm)

    I’m down to 85%…

  • joanE December 14, 2018 (10:22 pm)

    power’s been back on near 39th and Holly for about 10 minutes. fingers crossed. 

  • J242 December 14, 2018 (10:25 pm)

    I’m sorry but didn’t we just hire someone, at an outrageous price, to be the lead on things like this? Was that water? Garbage/recycling/compost?didnt we just have TENS of MILLIONS of dollars spent supposedly “upgrading” our power network to make it easier to fix outages? Where’s that money now? Where are the crews fixing it since it should be SO easy thanks to all the $ we gave SCL right? This is a slap in the face and I hope heads roll.

    • Mags December 14, 2018 (10:35 pm)

      Just because you can’t see the crews, doesn’t mean they aren’t working on fixing it. Electricity is already being restored near High Point. It sucks, but 5 hours is not that long with this many outages. Be calm. 

      • West Coast Nomad December 14, 2018 (11:21 pm)

        I think most people are being calm but I agree it does suck at 5+ hours if you just bought groceries yesterday or if all heat, appliances, etc. in your house run on electricity. But (not being sarcastic) yes, overall these are all first world problems and I think everyone is grateful and understanding that we will have power back sooner than later. My issue is that some areas of this peninsula never seem to lose power while others routinely do, and I’d love to know why. 

    • LM22 December 14, 2018 (10:36 pm)

      I hope so too, but they won’t. I’m trying hard not to be angry that we are in one of the biggest outage areas that started first around 5:30 and still have no power. That’s in addition to all the other random problems the Delridge substation seems to have. 

      • WSB December 14, 2018 (10:40 pm)

        Our power has been out since 5:30 as well in Upper Fauntleroy. It was out for 3+ days in the aftermath of the 2006 windstorm, which affected a similar section (a little more, but some areas such as The Junction were spared).

        • LM22 December 14, 2018 (11:03 pm)

          3 days?? I hope that’s not the case here. The only long term (more than an hour or two) outage I’ve experienced was about 36 hours when we had that rare, freak ice storm maybe 6-8 years ago? Or longer, I can’t remember. That sucked, but it was understandable cause crews literally couldn’t get out on the roads. I know I’m probably being naive, but a wind storm that is pretty much over..come on already. I am biased too though as I’ve always lived in PSE areas until now. 

          • WSB December 14, 2018 (11:27 pm)

            PSE currently has many outages too. 85,000 customers out as of their 10 pm update.

  • Dcn December 14, 2018 (10:32 pm)

    The SCL outage map is usually better than this for updating causes of outages and estimated restoration times. But tonight, everywhere I click on the city outage map , whether it’s Magnolia, North, or West Seattle, it just says “investigating” for cause, and Dec 15 for restoration time. After 5 hours, you’d think they would at least have a cause or 2 listed for our part of town. 

    • Thomas December 14, 2018 (11:07 pm)

      At the end of the day, this wind storm was not “off the charts” – the power infrastructure in W. Seattle is just too vulnerable.  As a family with a newborn, I’m thankful the temperature was tolerable tonight.  Thank you to all the SCL people working hard to restore power.  

  • Meow meow December 14, 2018 (10:37 pm)

    I am scared 

  • B.K. December 14, 2018 (10:38 pm)

    Power back on at 34th and Juneau!

  • E December 14, 2018 (10:49 pm)

    31st and Graham is still out.

  • Stephen December 14, 2018 (10:50 pm)

    I for one appreciate the extra time without power. Gives more time to get this seance right.

    • Nick December 14, 2018 (11:41 pm)


  • Charlie December 14, 2018 (10:54 pm)

    I’ve lived here over 27 years. Same thing almost every year. Welcome to third world West Seattle. I’m sure they’re doing their best to restore power and I’m most grateful! But sadly, nothing has changed over the years. 

    • Jort December 14, 2018 (11:15 pm)

      Ah yes, third-world West Seattle, with it’s 3/4 million dollar home prices and grocery stores within a mile of every home. Truly we are at the brink of becoming the new Somalia. I, for one, see nothing unfair about equating an hours-long power outage during an abnormally severe weather event with being a country where large percentages of the population face death due to starvation or government neglect. Why must we, the humble citizens of one of the wealthiest cities on the planet, suffer such indignities as a minor power interruption. Only the most histrionic of reactions can truly describe this anguish. 

      • BlairJ December 15, 2018 (8:16 am)

        Good one, Jort!

    • Nick December 14, 2018 (11:39 pm)

      Really cause ive lived in West Seattle 13 years and this is the third time and probably the longest the power has been out and the crews are doing there best and im sure it will be fine in a few hours. Third world you sound like a privileged whiner sorry your electricty up time is close to 99.5 percent but in. Real developing world country your lucky to have power for more than 8-10 hours in some cases dailyz 

      • Wild One December 15, 2018 (12:16 am)

        Third world country? Lol. Obviously  he was being facetious.I’ve been here 37 years. We usually have at least one nice little storm like this one and it’s not uncommon for at least some parts of WS to have a few intermittent outages. There’s been several good ones. Maybe back around 06 or 07 there were some folks that were out a week in WS. Some rural areas were out for 2 weeks. I remember on the news seeing people just lined up at the gas station for hours. As I recall there was a time in the early 90s I think that we lost power for a few days during a cold snap when there was ice and snow on the ground. Obviously not a third world country lol but hey we do get our taste of some weather once in a while. 

        • WSB December 15, 2018 (12:39 am)

          As mentioned earlier, the Hanukkah Eve windstorm (exactly 12 years ago this moment – the peak winds hit around midnight December 14 going into 15th) was the big one. It’s when we started covering news on this site, going fulltime a year later. We were out for 3 1/2 days. Some were on their 6th day when we spotted this sign in Highland Park:

          Eight days had passed before SCL announced everyone was back on.

          • Wild One December 15, 2018 (1:11 am)

            Is that right? Well hey we appreciate the WSB!Power just turned on in Gatewood BTW. Have a good night.Funny… I really kinda enjoy power outages.

        • AmyB December 15, 2018 (7:25 am)

          Yeah we were one of the households without power for a week back in 2006 or 7. THAT was awful.

  • Steve December 14, 2018 (11:15 pm)

    Yeah disappointing that it takes mega hours to restore power to a fraction of Seattle’s population when they knew there would be problems. All I’m seeing on their info is that “we’re  investigating. “. That, after five hours.

  • Sue December 14, 2018 (11:50 pm)

    Still not power in 98146 :-( my house is getting cold please power come back soon 

  • Mark December 14, 2018 (11:57 pm)

    When power came back in High Point, Comcast service worked for maybe 30-40 minutes but is now completely out.  Glad to have power back, though!- Mark

  • Wild One December 15, 2018 (12:02 am)

    Up here in Gatewood we’re still without power but I’ve been seeing the work trucks going up and down the block. It looks like they are inspecting the lines..? Anyway it’s good to see activity :)

    • WSB December 15, 2018 (12:08 am)

      That likely explains the loud truck with flashing lights that just turned our nearby two-arterial corner. Still working by lantern-light here on the south side of the Gatewood/Upper Fauntleroy line.

  • Xyo December 15, 2018 (12:06 am)

    So desperate for some heat, we’ve turned on the generator for the first time and it might as well should be turned off since the sound is so unbearably loud and annoying… how much longer is this gonna last?! Wondering if anyone else is suffering as much, too. 

    • Cold December 15, 2018 (12:17 am)

      We’re with you , freezing cold ! 

  • Charlie December 15, 2018 (12:18 am)

    Yes, I exaggerated. Sorry. Just really frustrated. And yes, your experience may vary depending upon where in West Seattle you live. I’ve gone without power for days at a time. Not every year for that, as that is the extreme. Comparing this to 3rd world countries was not fair, so I stand corrected. As I stated, the crews are doing their best. Still waiting for power after midnight.

  • Jim December 15, 2018 (12:38 am)

    Is this when Bigfoot comes out?

  • Joann December 15, 2018 (12:47 am)

    Power is back at 8th and Elmgrove in Highland Park, just as it was starting to get pretty cool in the house. 

    • WSB December 15, 2018 (12:49 am)

      Thanks for the update! The map should reflect that – and hopefully more – within 10 minutes or so.

  • Bruce December 15, 2018 (1:05 am)

    Power back on at 12:45 am at Sw Webster and 16th ave SW. finally. 👏👏🤗

  • Gret December 15, 2018 (1:13 am)

    Power back on just now in Gatewood – Othello and 35th. 

  • Remy December 15, 2018 (1:14 am)

    128th & Burien 

  • Eddie V. December 15, 2018 (1:15 am)

    And I was starting to appreciate the peace and quiet…

  • Greg Kerton December 15, 2018 (1:46 am)

    Thank you Seattle City Light, and especially, the Men and Women who leave their families, during family time, to correct an outage.  While I romanticize and light candles, you put protective clothing on and walk out into the night.  Many are absolutely dependent on your effort to survive life.  You are appreciated.  You are my neighbor.Thank You

  • mph December 15, 2018 (2:43 am)

    Power on at 20th and Thistle!

  • Highland Park December 15, 2018 (4:07 am)

    Our power came back on at 4 am. 10th and Elmgrove. 

  • RayWest December 15, 2018 (4:53 am)

    Whew! That was a wild one.  Lights were flickering, but stayed on around Juneau/California Ave. area. Will probably have to go searching later for yard waste and recycling bins. Hope everyone else’s power is back on.

  • Martin December 15, 2018 (5:36 am)

    Power still out in white center 

  • L December 15, 2018 (5:37 am)

    5:35am and power is still out in the 16th and myrtle area.  

  • Sharon December 15, 2018 (5:45 am)

    Power still out in S Delridge :(

  • Jay December 15, 2018 (5:59 am)

    The bed bath and beyond has been ringing for 5 HOURS still. We don’t have any power and it seems like the nightmare won’t end.

  • Darryll December 15, 2018 (6:07 am)

    Per restored at 6:02 am; 17th SW and SW  Henderson. 

  • Laura Marquez December 15, 2018 (6:07 am)

    Power just came on at 13th and Henderson.  Thank you West Seattle blog for the great reports and thank you City Light!

  • Donna December 15, 2018 (6:10 am)

    Lost power at 6:30pm yesterday. Power just came on – 18th and Henderson. 

  • miws December 15, 2018 (6:21 am)

    Power back 9000 block of 16th as of about 20 minutes ago, Was off for a few minutes more than 12 hours. —-Mike

  • Rebecca December 15, 2018 (6:25 am)

    Good morning,  what a freezing night still no power at 6am this morning.  Live on 26th ave sw. For all the money we pay our service should be better. Power has been out since 5:30pm yesterday.

  • Hanna December 15, 2018 (6:30 am)

    Power back on at 17th and Barton right around 6 am!

  • Mark December 15, 2018 (7:37 am)

    Yum, power just went out again in High Point!- Mark

    • WSB December 15, 2018 (7:38 am)

      Flickered here. Hope it’s brief.

  • Anna-Marie December 15, 2018 (7:47 am)

    Power back on at Delridge Way roughly @ 5 AM. Thank goodness! 

  • Dragonfly December 15, 2018 (8:09 am)

    White Center and Shorewood just restored! Thanks for working through the night WSB and Seattle City Light!

  • E December 15, 2018 (8:09 am)

    31st and Graham is still out.  

  • WSB December 15, 2018 (8:15 am)

    Launched the morning report on new/continuing outages here, and heading out shortly for a look around:


    Thanks! – TR

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