FOLLOWUP: Admiral McDonald’s remodel complete

(WSB photos)

Admiral McDonald’s owner/operator Alia Abboud got to show off her newly remodeled restaurant to special visitors today. With her above is King County Council chair – and Admiral resident – Joe McDermott, there in honor of the official grand re-opening celebrating completion of the project we first told you about back in April. First the exterior work was done, including the drive-thru, and then the interior, so the restaurant could stay open throughout the project.

New ordering kiosks are part of the interior, but they haven’t replaced the human touch – you can order at the counter if you prefer. If you’re dining in, your order will be brought to the table, joining other fast-food restaurants in that service-delivery mode.

Other visitors there for the grand opening included McDonald’s government-relations manager Ian Tolleson and regional brand-reputation manager Lindsay Kirsh-Rainey. Abboud also owns the Morgan Junction McDonald’s, which eventually will get an overhaul too; no specific timeline yet. (The White Center McDonald’s, which has different ownership, also recently got the high-tech revamp, but in that case, the entire restaurant was rebuilt from the ground up, not just remodeled.)

26 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Admiral McDonald's remodel complete"

  • Steve June 7, 2018 (11:09 pm)

    Amazing how fast they got the work done. We went and had ice cream.  It looks nice.  I find the menu confusing, but this is not only a Mcdonalds problem.  Its like a disease. Lots of fluffy pictures, little info. I was looking at the ice cream menu, and then it disappears and turns into something else.  I guess you’re supposed to just order something, not knowing the price or what it is.  I didn’t notice until I left, but I got charged an extra 40 cents for not wanting whipped cream on my milkshake. What’s that all about?  

  • Lw June 8, 2018 (2:46 am)

    I agree they need a better menu. And not charge extra for what should come with your order. 

  • Onion June 8, 2018 (6:12 am)

    Thinking of McDonalds just made me yearn a Swinery burger. If you’re going to eat a burger, at least make it a great burger.

  • RollingEyes June 8, 2018 (7:43 am)

    You want $15/hour minimum wage to push buttons, you get replaced by a machine!  (oh and the price of the burger goes up)Silly Seattle

    • WSB June 8, 2018 (7:49 am)

      No “replacement” or job loss per the owner, as noted in our original report (linked in this one).

    • Jon Wright June 8, 2018 (7:59 am)

      Nice try, McDonalds is adding self-ordering kiosks everywhere, regardless of the prevailing minimum wage.

      • rollingeyes June 8, 2018 (9:47 am)

        And why would they spend millions of dollars on these kiosks if it wasn’t to make millions more. McD has always been about cutting costs to make more money.  Automated soda filling machines? Order your own food from a kiosk (which takes much longer than the person behind the counter, so don’t tell me it saves time for the customer)? Self service soda fountain?  All in an attempt to cut costs and employ fewer people while serving more burgers.   It’s called economics. 

        • heartless June 8, 2018 (12:23 pm)

          Um, you are now arguing a completely different point.

          Your initial point: the increase to minimum wage is behind the rise of the machines!
          the response: not really, McDonalds is adding kiosks all over, not just in places with increases to minimum wages.

          Your new argument doesn’t address any of that, it’s just a rather silly point that businesses want to cut costs and make more money.  I don’t think anyone would argue with that…

          But the thing is, you opened with tying the kiosks to Seattle’s minimum wage, and somebody pointed out that that claim is not true. 

          Make sense?  

  • G-Man June 8, 2018 (8:12 am)

    Strange to hear McDonald’s called a “restaurant”.  When will people stop eating this garbage?

    • West Seattle Hipster June 8, 2018 (9:39 am)

      Agreed, “Supersize Me” and “Fast Food Nation” woke me up.  I find it reprehensible that McDonalds shamelessly contributes to the obesity of America.

    • Andromeda June 8, 2018 (10:14 am)

      You obviously didn’t grow up poor. McDonalds and othe fast food establishments are the only restaurants many grew up eating at.

  • Alice June 8, 2018 (9:39 am)

    It’s done?!? I was so hoping the corner sign would get an update, too. It’s grimy and dated-looking. The actual building looks MUCH better.

  • Beyond The Mud June 8, 2018 (10:31 am)

    The only reason this is on the blog is because a West Seattle politician showed up there. Otherwise,who really cares about a revamped McD’s  ?  

    • WSB June 8, 2018 (11:38 am)

      No, actually, (a) a lot of people cared, judging by readership of the original story,but regardless of that, (b) we were going to update when the work was done anyway. Just happened they invited a local politician.

    • miws June 8, 2018 (1:19 pm)

      Beyond the Mud, How long have you been reading WSB? For a long time, I believe going back to when it was still a neighborhood “Blog”, before converting to a full-fledged professional hyperlocal news source,  has covered business openings/closings/transfers of ownership/remodelings/other significant changes. Mike

  • Rick June 8, 2018 (10:39 am)

    I believe she’s in business to support herself. Not every sjw who screams inequity while holding their hands out. You don’t HAVE to eat there. Bitch,bitch,bitch. (By the way, I don’t eat at Mickey D’s but once again, that’s my choice. And I exercise it)

    • West Seattle since 1979 June 8, 2018 (2:54 pm)

      WTH does this have to do with social justice?  It’s a fast food place, for pete’s sake.  

  • steve June 8, 2018 (11:27 am)

    G-man, go easy big fella.  Be nice. It’s a restaurant that allows you a nice place to sit.  There’s better burgers out there, sure.  But, I’ve always felt safe knowing there’s not some schmuck in the back doing weird stuff to my food.  Remember the cockroach infestation at the swanky Canlis resturaunt?  McD’s does some good too.. They led the way in increasing cage sizes so the birds could flap their wings.  Their eggs are now all cage free.   Gosh, look at what they did for PBS!  I don’t know, I just had to counter and give a plug.  My wife kinda agrees with you, but the kids have fun there and enjoy the ice cream.  On our budget, going to that place down the street (M’s), where ice cream is around $5 each is simply insane.

  • AW June 8, 2018 (12:13 pm)

    These comments are hilarious. 

    • Kate June 8, 2018 (5:06 pm)


  • McFail June 8, 2018 (1:24 pm)

    Sad, no Grimus statue.

  • Villagegreen June 8, 2018 (3:13 pm)

    Why would a politician show up to the re-opening of a McDonald’s? 

  • momosmom June 8, 2018 (4:12 pm)

    @villagegreen…because he’s a local and he likes their fries??? :>)@WSHipster…no I think peoples mouths and common sense contribute to their obesity, McD’s is not holding a gun to their head.

  • momosmom June 8, 2018 (6:09 pm)

    Left the word “NO” (common sense) out of my above comment.

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